Orange County NC Website
Governor’s Crime Commission has funding available and one of the area’s that has millions of <br />dollar available is for youth who have experience trauma. Denise will send the information out, <br />but believes the applications are due around the end of January. <br /> <br />Announcements <br />OCS, DSS, and Orange Partnership will be offering Hidden in Plain Sight on December 16-17 <br />and volunteers are needed to help staff the room. It will be offered in conjunction with Toy <br />Chest and held here DSS in Hillsborough. They are also in need of paraphilia to hide in the <br />room and have asked Tina to check to see if there is any that may be able to be “loaned” out <br />from the Sheriff’s office. <br /> <br />On December 11 at the Whitted Building, there will be an Opioid and Methamphetamine <br />Awareness Training for workers who go out in the community and do home visits so they know <br />what to be aware of. <br /> <br />Rebekah’s JCPC responsibilities will be transitioning to Theresa effective July 1, 2018. In the <br />meantime, Theresa will be shadowing Rebekah to become familiar with the role and <br />responsibilities of the JCPC coordinator. <br /> <br />Freedom House has The Seven Challenges program available for adolescents with alcohol and <br />substance abuse problems. In January they are also trying to start an EBT group for adolescents <br />and also SAIOP for adolescents but they need enough referrals to support these services. <br /> <br /> Next JCPC Meeting: Friday, February 2, 2018; Location: Hillsborough Commons, 113 <br />Mayo St, Hillsborough NC <br /> <br />