Orange County NC Website
North Carolina Division of Forest Resources <br />FO1~.EST PRACTICES GUIDELINES _ <br />RELATED TO 'PVATER QUALITY <br />. -SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE STANDARDS- <br />5TREAMSIDE MANAGEMENT ZONE (SMZ) <br />-Must establish SMZ along natural, intramittent and perennial streams and water bodies. {Not required along man-made <br />ditches and canals, although erosion protection is needed). <br />-Must have sufficient width and adequaoe ground cover to confine visible sediment. ([Jsually it is best to protect the ezisamg <br />natural ground cover). <br />-Place toads, trails and decks outside of SMZ. <br />-Limited cutting (harvesting) is permitted within the SMZ. <br />*PROHIBITION OF DEBRIS ENTERING STREAMS <br />-Prevent debris (logging slash, sail) of all types from entering inrezxttitteat and perennial streams and waterbodies which may <br />result in stttram obstrttctian, impediment of stream flow, ar water quality degradation. <br />Remove debris that accidetually enter; streams. <br />ACCESS ROAD AND SKID TRAIL STREAM CROSSINGS <br />-Avoid crossing streams where possible. <br />-Avoid using stream channels as roads or, trails; <br />-Construct crossings to minimize sediment entering streams. <br />-Protect"stream basics and cltaannels from damage. ~ . _ _ . _ .. _ . <br />-Provide water cotttml devices and/or structures and, within 10 watldng days of initial disturbance, provide ground cover <br />sufficient to restrain accelerated erosion and prevent stream sedimeatadaa <br />*AC~E'~S ROAD ENTRANCE . <br />-Prevent soil aad debris Elam being deposited on public highways which_may result in stream sedimentation. <br />*KEEP WASTE FROM ENTERING STREAMS, WATERBODIES AND GROUNDWATER <br />-Prevent oil, fuels, fertilizers and other chemical waste froth entering streams, wate~bodies and groundwater. <br />