Orange County NC Website
K <br />5. What is the tax base profile and how has it changed over time? How has recent <br />economic activity changed the tax base? <br />6. What is happening in the Economic Development Districts that may impact future <br />economic development strategy? <br />• Status of water and sewer extensions <br />• Encroaching residential development <br />• Practical considerations of expanding utilities in the Eno Economic <br />Development District <br />7. What are the potential next steps for discussion and implementation? <br />• Using objective criteria identify the most marketable sites within the current <br />areas designated for economic development. <br />• Reduce development risk by preparing a site for development <br />• Identify willing sellers <br />• Conduct due diligence <br />• Gain property control for price certainty <br />• Extend utilities and other infrastructure <br />• Pre -zone property in the areas designated for economic development that are <br />within the County's zoning jurisdiction <br />• Reexamine the boundaries of areas designated for economic development <br />• Investigate the potential for research and development sites in cooperation with <br />area universities <br />• Reexamine the uses of Article 46 sales tax revenue <br />• Review permitting and regulatory procedures with respect to barriers to <br />efficient processing <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The discussion will focus on current investments and appropriations. <br />SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is applicable to <br />this item: <br />• GOAL: ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY <br />The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding necessary <br />for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br />dependents. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board discuss economic <br />development strategy and implementation issues and provide direction to staff on future <br />economic development work. <br />