Orange County NC Website
KI <br />Figure 1 <br />For each block group that was entirely within a single BOCC voting district staff assigned the <br />population numbers to that voting district. For three of the block groups that were split, staff <br />utilized the County's current address layer to calculate how many residential addresses were in <br />each block group. Staff subsequently took the percentage of addresses for each block group <br />that were in each voting district and then divided the total population for each block group by the <br />percentages and then assigned the population numbers to each district (figure 2). This allowed <br />staff to estimate the 2016 populations for each BOCC voting district (figure 3). For the other <br />three split block groups that had only a small percent of addresses in a district, staff applied the <br />entire population to the district that had the majority of addresses. <br />