Agenda 8-a - Minutes
BOCC Archives
Agenda - 09-04-2018
Agenda 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
8/30/2018 4:04:16 PM
Creation date
8/30/2018 4:25:32 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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I <br />1 the state that have a parks patrol. He said is trying to get an idea of what would be needed in <br />2 Orange County, and ideally, there would be officers who could frequent these areas. He said it <br />3 is incumbent upon the County to get some deputies in the woods, if only for visibility and as a <br />4 deterrent to delinquent behavior. He said searching for a missing person is one thing, but if a <br />5 crime occurs, the crime scene needs to be managed. He said the best way to prevent trouble <br />6 is to have people, with law enforcement powers, in and out of the woods with frequency. He <br />7 said a small outhouse, as the entrance of each park, with the equipment for rescue and police, <br />8 would allow for much greater safety. <br />9 Sheriff Blackwood said he hopes to get the body cameras ordered by July 1s' <br />10 Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Sheriff for his awareness and responsiveness about <br />11 the parks. He said this is a missing piece in County safety, which he hopes can be addressed <br />12 in the near future. <br />13 Commissioner Rich asked if any of the parks are being patrolled, and said she walks <br />14 daily in the Carolina North Woods and has never seen a University of North Carolina (UNC) <br />15 officer. <br />16 Sheriff Blackwood said park rangers govern the state parks. He said these parks are <br />17 not being patrolled, and this is a manpower issue. <br />18 Commissioner Jacobs said the County has purchased lands from the Duke Forest over <br />19 the years, and the Sheriff's department has been asked to patrol the parking lots. <br />20 Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br />21 <br />22 General Government <br />23 Board of County Commissioners — page 75 <br />24 o Total expenditure budget - $917,031 <br />25 ■ Increase of $3,320 over FY2017 -18 <br />26 o Board of Adjustment Meeting Coverage - $11,160 <br />27 ■ Partially Offset by Decrease in Overtime that is also Budgeted in <br />28 Sheriff's Office and Emergency Medical Services <br />29 ■ Provides Video and Sound Support to Replicate Board of <br />30 Commissioner Coverage <br />31 Board of Elections — page 80 <br />32 o Total expenditure budget - $689,184 <br />33 ■ Decrease of ($140,830) over FY2017 -18 <br />34 o Temporary Personnel and Operating Accounts Decreased <br />35 One Countywide Election in FY2018 -19 <br />36 <br />37 Chair Dorosin said there is a bill that has been introduced in the legislature requiring <br />38 criminal background checks and fingerprinting for all poll workers, and asked if this is accurate. <br />39 Rachel Raper, Board of Elections Director, said this bill has been changed and only <br />40 county directors and office staff will need to comply with this requirement. <br />41 Chair Dorosin asked if this will have any significant financial impact on her department. <br />42 Rachel Raper said no, the bill in its current format will have no significant impact. <br />43 Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br />44 <br />45 County Attorney — page 110 <br />46 o Total expenditure budget - $592,423 <br />47 o Increase of $1,750 over FY2017 -18 <br />48 o Two (2) Employees will be Shared with Human Rights and Relations <br />49 Department <br />50 <br />
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