Orange County NC Website
Exhibit 2 of Resolution 8 <br />PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />Michael D. Rettie, Chief Building Official <br />Building Inspections 131 W. Margaret Lane <br />(919) 245 -2600 Suite 101 <br />(919) 644 -3347 (FAX) ORANGE COUNTY P. O. Box 8181 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Resolution Petition Explanation <br />Pursuant to S.L. 2013 -118 Orange County Inspections Division requests to have <br />additional Inspections approved: <br />Staff has been instructed by the North Carolina Building Code Council to solicit <br />approval from the Orange County Board of County Commissioners for the additional <br />Code enforcement inspections Staff is requesting to be approved for Orange County. <br />Orange County Inspections Division has vested almost 20 years into fostering a <br />working partnership with our Building Community. Over this time Staff has developed an <br />efficient list of inspections. These inspections are crafted to give flexibility of scheduling <br />for Builders when, in the construction schedule and process, the issue is most efficiently <br />verified and repairs can be effectively made with minimal cost or delay. <br />In 2013 when S.L. 2013 -118 was enacted, Orange County sought input from our <br />construction Partners who, over - whelming, requested that Staff continue working with <br />the established inspections protocol as Staff had in the past. Staff adjusted the <br />inspections to include sub - inspections of the NC Administration and Policies Code <br />section 107 list of 8 (7 for residential projects) inspections allowed. Staff's choice was <br />predicated upon the understanding that residential projects need the flexibility of <br />sequencing when Code issues could most efficiently be verified. Staff believed that this <br />was not asking for "additional inspections" but rather that Staff were making the list <br />more efficient and effective for the construction process, by expanding each of the <br />seven inspections into their natural sub - sections. To date, Orange County has received <br />no documented complaints regarding how Staff schedule or inspect construction <br />projects in Orange County. According to Staff's regulatory agency NCDOI, Building <br />Inspectors, statewide, performed over 2.7 million inspections last year and there were <br />only two documented complaints regarding the type of inspection requested as having <br />exceeded what was authorized by this Bill (since the Law was enacted). <br />On February 1, 2018 the NC Code Official Qualification Board's chairman Bill <br />Thunberg expressed that the Qualification Board's position is for Code Enforcement <br />Officials to be held responsible for conducting residential inspections not specifically <br />listed in section 107 of the Administrative Code and Policies. Upon receiving this <br />position and reviewing the formal Interpretation regarding these inspections, put forth by <br />NCDOI in April 2016, Orange County has restructured the required inspections to ONLY <br />those 8 specifically listed in this Code section. The response from Orange County's <br />