Orange County NC Website
YPC.'�Oavz <br />JUL 1 32017 <br />N.C. Dept. of Transportation <br />North Carolina Department of TransportationDivision of Highways - 7th Div. <br />Division of Highways District I - Graham <br />Petition for Road Addition <br />ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Print/Type) <br />County: y Road Name: �(�CP.+'�bic 1� 1AAt <br />(Please list additional street names and lengths on the back of this form.) <br />Subdivision Name: I&IA4 S - Length (miles): <br />)�- 'nAl Cc�Fs , <br />Number of occupied homes having street frontage: OCCu�idd Located (miles): (k�P�'bX, L25 ti <br />miles N RODS ❑ E ❑ W ❑ of the intersection of Route US 7D and Route $'5 , <br />(Check one) (SR, NC, US) (SR, T4 C, US) <br />We, the undersigned, being property owners and/or developers of ?kkV6L &g4k Yu" - ,. in <br />County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road <br />CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Printfrype) <br />Name: S1neu �S,t dr rifdS S Phone Number: 051 <br />Street Address: 170 i X rS lZd, Sk 13Z 1ZQt uC 7 <br />Mailing Address: c %yhe as A6\;t <br />PROPERTY OWNERS <br />Name Mailing Address Telephone <br />Form SR -1 (312006; Rev 1/2010) <br />