Orange County NC Website
C! <br />w <br />t <br />Jennifer Robinson <br />Chair, GoTriangle Board of Trustees <br />GoTriangle <br />PO Box 13787 <br />Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 <br />Dear Jennifer Robinson: <br />I am writing to reiterate Durham County's support for the Durham - Orange Light Rail Transit Project and <br />our ongoing commitment to satisfy obligations as outlined in the Interlocal Agreement for Cost - Sharing <br />for the Project. <br />As you know, recent legislative action by the North Carolina General Assembly placed several limits on <br />the Light Rail Project. The Project remains eligible for a maximum of $190 million provided that all other <br />non - federal funds for the project are committed by April 30, 2019, and that federal funds are committed <br />no later than November 30, 2019. Given that the original financial plan for the Project contained a <br />$247.6 million contribution from the State of North Carolina, there is now a shortfall in the financial plan <br />of $57.6 million. <br />The Cost - Sharing Agreement states that if state funds to be used for the D -O LRT Project are cancelled, <br />terminated, withdrawn, do not materialize, or otherwise become unavailable for the D -O LRT Project, <br />the Parties shall meet within fifteen business days to determine how to address the situation. On June <br />21st, I met with Mark Dorosin, Chair of the Orange County Commissioners, Mark Marcoplos, Orange <br />County Commissioner, and Ellen Reckhow, Durham County Commissioner, to satisfy this obligation, and <br />we have had several additional meetings to discuss how we will address the $57.6 million shortfall. <br />According to the Cost - Sharing Agreement, Durham County has committed $738.4 million YOE to the <br />Project from Dedicated Local Transit Revenues. Based on updated modeling with still conservative <br />Durham County Administrative Complex 1 200 East Main Street, Durham, NC 277011 (919) 560 -0025 Fax (919) 560 -0013 <br />Equal Employment /AffirmativeActiveEmployer I Website: hnp: / / <br />Heidi Carter <br />Wendy Jacobs, Chair <br />• <br />31 Falling Water Drive <br />4308 Rivermont Road <br />Durham, NC 27713 <br />Durham, NC 27712 <br />. <br />Email: <br />Email: hcarter(a dconc.Qov <br />Email: wjacobs <br />Brenda A. Howerton <br />3325 Tarleton West <br />James Hill, Vice -Chair <br />Durham, NC 27713 <br />5505 Lake Elton Road <br />Email: bowerton <br />Durham, NC 27713 <br />Email: jahill <br />COUNTY OF DURHAM <br />Ellen w <br />11 Pine e Top Top Place <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Durham, NC 27705 <br />Email: ereckhow <br />w <br />t <br />Jennifer Robinson <br />Chair, GoTriangle Board of Trustees <br />GoTriangle <br />PO Box 13787 <br />Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 <br />Dear Jennifer Robinson: <br />I am writing to reiterate Durham County's support for the Durham - Orange Light Rail Transit Project and <br />our ongoing commitment to satisfy obligations as outlined in the Interlocal Agreement for Cost - Sharing <br />for the Project. <br />As you know, recent legislative action by the North Carolina General Assembly placed several limits on <br />the Light Rail Project. The Project remains eligible for a maximum of $190 million provided that all other <br />non - federal funds for the project are committed by April 30, 2019, and that federal funds are committed <br />no later than November 30, 2019. Given that the original financial plan for the Project contained a <br />$247.6 million contribution from the State of North Carolina, there is now a shortfall in the financial plan <br />of $57.6 million. <br />The Cost - Sharing Agreement states that if state funds to be used for the D -O LRT Project are cancelled, <br />terminated, withdrawn, do not materialize, or otherwise become unavailable for the D -O LRT Project, <br />the Parties shall meet within fifteen business days to determine how to address the situation. On June <br />21st, I met with Mark Dorosin, Chair of the Orange County Commissioners, Mark Marcoplos, Orange <br />County Commissioner, and Ellen Reckhow, Durham County Commissioner, to satisfy this obligation, and <br />we have had several additional meetings to discuss how we will address the $57.6 million shortfall. <br />According to the Cost - Sharing Agreement, Durham County has committed $738.4 million YOE to the <br />Project from Dedicated Local Transit Revenues. Based on updated modeling with still conservative <br />Durham County Administrative Complex 1 200 East Main Street, Durham, NC 277011 (919) 560 -0025 Fax (919) 560 -0013 <br />Equal Employment /AffirmativeActiveEmployer I Website: hnp: / / <br />