Orange County NC Website
9 <br />turn- around. <br />10. PROJECT REPORTING <br />A. Record Keeping. Contractor shall maintain financial and other records that specifically <br />show the use of the Funds exclusively for the purposes of the Scope of Work. Contractor <br />shall maintain such records for at least three (3) years after the end of the Agreement. Owner <br />shall have the right, upon reasonable notice, to conduct on -site visits and to audit at any time <br />up to three (3) years after the end of the Funds Period, Contractor's records relating to the <br />expenditure of the Funds. <br />B. Written Reports. The Contractor shall submit written reports (described below) relating to <br />the expenditure of the Funds and the progress of the Funds purposes. Contractor shall submit to <br />Owner in writing the following reports: <br />(i) Monthly Reports. On or before the 15th of each month, Contractor shall submit a <br />use -of -funds report for the previous month, compliance with the terms of this <br />Agreement, and the progress made toward achieving the purposes of the Scope of <br />Work including status of the network build and activation of customers by address. <br />(ii) Final Report. Contractor shall submit to Owner a final report detailing the use of <br />the Funds and describing the progress made toward the purposes of the Scope of <br />Work within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the term of the Funds. <br />(iii) Call Center Reports: Open Broadband will distribute monthly reports on calls from <br />Orange County customers into the call center. At the county's discretion, specific <br />trouble ticket information will be provided to show the details of each call, the reason <br />for the call, and the resolution. The county may also obtain reports with no more than a <br />48 business hour turn- around. <br />(iv) Other Reports. In addition to the above reports, the Contractor shall comply with <br />the reasonable requests of Owner for other reports. Contractor shall also make its <br />personnel available at the reasonable request of Owner to discuss expenditures, <br />records and the progress of the Funds Project. <br />11. OWNER CONTRIBUTIONS <br />a. As described in Orange County Request for Proposals (RFP) #5251 — Broadband Service to <br />Unserved Areas, Section 3.1 Access to Assets, Contractor and Owner agree that all of the <br />items listed and owned by the County will be included at no cost during the 36 months of this <br />agreement. <br />b. Owner understands that any cost associated with Access to Assets would be an unplanned <br />financial burden to Contractor, and that the Contractor's bid was based on Section 3.1 of the <br />RFP and assumed the assets owned by Orange County would be available free of charge <br />during the 36 -month term of construction. <br />Owner agrees to pay any required surveys, record keeping, engineering reports, water company <br />management requirements, or any other fees if imposed by owners and/or managers of the <br />7 <br />