Orange County NC Website
0 t, <br />DRAFT MINUTES <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />August 21, 2002 <br />PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Louise Tate, Bob Strayhorn, Rodney Recor, Noah <br />Ranells, Marty Mandell, Gordon Warren, Environment & Resource <br />Conservation Director David Stancil, Preservation Planner Tina <br />Moon, and Carol Melton. <br />ABSENT: Elizabeth Walters, Kimberly Roberts and Whit Morrow <br />GUESTS: Carl Walters, Mike Lanier <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Kleese called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and thanked everyone for <br />attending. <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Members requested binders and punched agendas. Warren requested that the <br />group discuss how VAD's interact with the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction's (ETJ) of <br />neighboring municipalities and suggested Gerry Cohn from AFT as a guest <br />speaker. Staff to investigate and report back in September. <br />Stancil asked to add an item 6a., and distributed a memo from the county <br />attorney on the VAD form and conservation easement document. <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 19, 2002 <br />Kleese requested two grammatical corrections. <br />MOTION: Warren made motion to approve the June 19th, 2002 minutes. <br />Seconded by Recor. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />ITEM #4: WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS <br />Kleese welcomed new member Warren. It was noted that Roberts had called <br />and asked to be excused as she would be out of town for the August meeting. <br />Stancil noted that with the two new VAD's of Lee Miller and the Bacon Family, <br />the potential for two new members is on the horizon. <br />ITEM #5: ITEMS FOR DECISION <br />None <br />DRAFT <br />