Orange County NC Website
NEW WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR RURAL ECONOMY -- Agri- business <br />Agri- businesses are becoming an increasingly important component to the survival of our local farming <br />community. In an effort to better accommodate agri- business and other non - traditional forms of <br />agriculture, Planning, Economic Development, and Farm Agency staff have been working together to <br />examine, and where appropriate consider revisions to county regulations regarding farm - related uses. <br />Discussion topics have focused on the following: <br />1. Streamlining the bonafide farm accessory use process (see brochure in your packet) <br />2. Evaluating agricultural - related land uses in our existing ordinance (see matrix in your packet) <br />• Combining similar uses into categories to allow for future (unforeseen) uses <br />• Considering changing the name of the existing "agricultural service" floating zone to "agricultural industrial" <br />■ Creating a new agricultural service category to address services for farmers (veterinarians, farm machinery <br />repair) <br />3. Identifying uses that are not allowed per our present ordinance but may be appropriate <br />• Considering the needs of smaller operations -5 -20 acres in size <br />• Addressing facilities that process and /or sell agricultural products, which may or may not be produced on site <br />• Allowing operations which are agricultural in character but not true agriculture <br />• Determining where such special agricultural operations and facilities are best suited <br />• Creating permitting procedures based on the intensity of the use, subject to performance standards (thresholds <br />for the number of patrons /employees associated with the business or lot size, hours of operations, traffic <br />generation, time of year, time of operation, intensity of use) <br />Planning staff has prepared a matrix to show permitted land uses linked to agriculture and uses <br />accessory to bonafide farms. The matrix should serve as a starting point to identify gaps. The next <br />step would be to determine how best to fill those gaps within the context of our existing policies and <br />regulations. Planning Staff would like the Board to review the group's progress and provide for <br />direction on ways to facilitate agri- business in the county. <br />