Orange County NC Website
F. Glorification of Violence <br />1. Educate families (parents) regarding violence and how to lessen the effects of media violence. <br />2. Engage media, if possible, to develop public service announcements, less violent <br />commercials, and to clarify the seriousness of violence. Reserve the use of boycotts, etc. <br />except when necessary. <br />3. Develop activities supervised by adults (afterschool care, etc.) that are low cost and accessible <br />so kids have alternatives. <br />G. "Not Me - I am not a victim, I am not a perpetrator ", and the "faceless victim" <br />1. Encourage mediation, conflict resolution and human relations training from an early age. <br />2. Conduct a public awareness campaign: Encourage the media to model conflict resolution <br />and non - violent ways of life. Encourage Collaboration of agencies and churches as resources. <br />Churches should be involved in the development of a a nonviolent community statement. <br />3. Make the public aware of the extent and affects of poverty and underemployment on the <br />community. <br />4. Collaborate and expand the "smart start" approach to the provision of services to human <br />service delivery for the whole community. <br />