Orange County NC Website
Develop flexible policies and procedures. <br />Provide community education about services and public <br />benefits from human services. <br />An ongoing process of evaluation by users. <br />Extended hours to meet client needs. <br />Creatively address problems. <br />Identify priorities of need. <br />Programs should be fluid to meet changing needs. <br />Identify indirect benefits of services. <br />Link needs and services with churches, other parts of the <br />community. <br />Make the system accessible. <br />The system should be user - friendly. <br />Workable strategies to achieve the desired system: <br />Priorities for action: <br />1. Establish a central phone.number for information and <br />referral. <br />2. Consolidate the five phone systems and phone books for into <br />one for the whole county. <br />3. Include client input in needs assessments and Policy-making. <br />4. Produce a pocket version of the Orange Book listing the most <br />used human services. <br />5. Produce a fact sheet for citizens. <br />6. Both clients and the community should participate on boards <br />and councils. <br />Improving Accessibility to Programs <br />Facilitator: Peggy Pollitzer <br />The group included physical barriers, economic barriers, customer <br />service, and information and referral services in their <br />discussion of major accessibility issues. <br />Strengths of the current network: <br />Weaknesses of the current network: <br />_Characteristics of a good system: <br />Workable strategies to achieve the desired system: <br />Priorities for action: <br />1. Develop a system for improving customer service in pro rams. <br />Evaluation of services should be built in. g <br />in how to relate to clients. <br />Use Train employees <br />to improve services. Get feedbacktfromoclientsnew MCI system <br />2. The group consensus was that Orange County needs a <br />