Orange County NC Website
EXCERPT FRONI: "Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan 2005- 2010" <br />FIVE -YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN <br />Part I - Overview <br />This five -year Strategic Plan for housing and community development is the result of an exten- <br />sive needs assessment and community outreach process by Orange County and the Town of <br />Chapel Hill. By gathering and applying a wide variety of research data and community input, the <br />Town has developed this comprehensive approach to housing and community revitalization. <br />This strategic plan will outline the goals and priorities that will serve as the overall framework for <br />the five -year strategy and provide a linkage between these identified priorities and the adopted <br />strategies and programs. The final section of this strategic plan portion of the Plan will highlight <br />other relevant public policies as required by HUD. <br />Part 11- Priority Analysis and Strategy Development <br />As a growing community, Grange County and the Town of Chapel Hill must successfully bal- <br />ance a diverse array of housing and community development issues. Given the range of com- <br />peting needs, the community must invest its scarce public resources wisely. Therefore, as a <br />general principle, the County will attempt to expend public funds in a way that leverages the <br />commitment of private sector support whenever possible_ Through the public participation and <br />consultation process, the County has identified the community's overall goals and priorities as <br />follows: <br />• Provide decent and affordable housing for lower- income households <br />• Provide housing and services for homeless populations with special needs <br />• Facilitate non- housing community development activities <br />Goal 1 — Provide Decent and Affordable Housing for lower - Income <br />Households <br />This goal includes retaining existing affordable housing stock, increasing the availability of af- <br />fordable permanent housing in standard condition without discrimination, and providing afford- <br />able housing that is accessible to job opportunities. <br />Priority Needs <br />1.1 Low income (< 80% AMI)) homeowners that live in substandard housing <br />1.2 Low income ( <60% AMI) renters that live in substandard housing <br />1.3 Low income ( <80% AM[) homeowners that do not have indoor plumbing or adequate con- <br />nections to existing public water and sewer systems <br />1.4 Low income (60 -80% AMI) renters that are potential homebuyers <br />1.6 Eliminate barriers to affordable housing <br />5 of 8 <br />