Orange County NC Website
Recommendation 2: Ensure safe, quality housing. <br />Action Strategies: <br />A. Increase funding for housing rehabilitation and repair progams for senior-,, low income. <br />and persons with disabilities. <br />B. Strengthen and enforce the Housing Code to bring sub - standard liousin2 up to standards. <br />C. Strive for excellence hi product design. and produce homes that are safe, durable, <br />comfortable, cost effective, euerp- efficient, and appropriate to the existing <br />community. <br />Recommendation 3: Assist low income individuals to develop an asset <br />base. <br />Action Stratea <br />A. Work vvith lending institutions to establish innovative financial asset guarantee <br />programs to make it possible for low- income individuals to qualify for loans. <br />4 of 8 <br />