Orange County NC Website
Priority 1.4 — Low - income renters <80% AMI that are potential homebu ers <br />Strategies: <br />- Provide down - payment and closing cost assistance to qualified homebuyers <br />- Provide homebuyer education and counseling with an emphasis on credit <br />- Provide acquisition, infrastructure, predevelopment and /or construction funding to eligible non- <br />profits and for - profits to develop affordable housing opportunities <br />- Establish homeownership program to assist existing Section 8 recipients <br />Output Indicators: <br />- 75 additional lower income homebu ers (Orange Count /Chapel Hill <br />Priority 1.5 — Eliminate barriers to affordable housing <br />Strategies: <br />- Challenge and encourage non - profit and for - profit affordable housing providers to share resources <br />- Provide financial assistance to support the construction of a residential center for homeless men <br />and collaborate <br />(Orange County/Chapel Hill <br />- Seek legislation that would require all local governments to require new residential and commercial <br />at -risk youth <br />developers in the County and Towns seeking zoning approval and/or permits to contain at least <br />- Promote and make public service funds available to agencies that serve identified special <br />15% affordable units in residential projects <br />populations <br />- Declare 2006 "The Year of Affordable Housing" and implement a public education that defines <br />- Partner with other funding agencies to encourage the development of transitional housing (SRO's, <br />affordable housing <br />group homes) that is service - enriched <br />- Utilize equity sharing and community land trust concepts to limit the dramatic escalation of housing <br />- Continue to strengthen partnership with local service providers <br />costs <br />Output Indicators: <br />- 100 units of new affordable housing in mixed income developments (Orange County /Chapel Hill) <br />- Provide property acquisition funding to eligible non - profits and for - profits to develop permanent <br />- Increased awareness of barriers to affordable housing (Orange Count /Chapel Hill <br />rZnni 9 _ Prnviria Hniminn anri garviras fnr Pnniilatinns with Snecial Needs <br />Priority 2.1— Service- enriched transitional housing for homeless persons with special needs <br />Strategies: <br />- Promote and make public service funds available to homeless agencies that operate emergency <br />shelters <br />- Partner with other funding agencies to encourage the development of transitional housing (SRO's, <br />group homes) that is service- enriched <br />- Continue to strengthen partnership with the local Continuum of Care <br />- Provide property acquisition funding to eligible non - profits and for - profits to develop transitional <br />housing <br />Output Indicators: <br />- Provide financial assistance to support the construction of a residential center for homeless men <br />(Orange County/Chapel Hill <br />Priority 2.2 — Continuum of services for special populations including older admits, disabled, mentally ill, persons with AIDS and <br />at -risk youth <br />Strategies: <br />- Promote and make public service funds available to agencies that serve identified special <br />populations <br />- Partner with other funding agencies to encourage the development of transitional housing (SRO's, <br />group homes) that is service - enriched <br />- Continue to strengthen partnership with local service providers <br />- Support applications for federal supportive housing funds <br />- Provide property acquisition funding to eligible non - profits and for - profits to develop permanent <br />housing for those with special needs <br />Output Indicators: <br />- 20 additional permanent housing units for those with special needs (Orange County) <br />- Provide community services to 100 area youth (Chapel Hill <br />/ ---� 12 2- Z- <br />