Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2-C-2 - 4/22/05 Homestead Aquatics Center Update from County <br />Recreation & Parks Director Lori Taft <br />3. Post Office Courtroom Building Plans Update <br />This item will provide an opportunity for the Town of Chapel Hill to share the recommendations <br />of the consultant and citizen budget committee regarding the disposition of certain town-owned <br />buildings. <br />No Attachments <br />4, Others <br />Participants at the meeting may have an interest in other Town of Chapel Hill projects for which <br />Town of Chapel Hill staff can provide brief updates or respond to questions as necessary, <br />No Attachments <br />D, Carrboro (Items should be addressed with existing written materials and/or written <br />tapdates where possible and augmented through questions at meeting, if any) <br />1) Park Projects <br />Participants at the meeting may have an interest in park projects involving the Town of Carrboro <br />and Town of Carrboro staff can provide brief updates or respond to questions as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />2) Others <br />Participants at the meeting may have an interest in other Town of Carrboro projects for which <br />Town of Carrboro staff can provide brief updates or respond to questions as necessary. <br />No Attachments <br />E, Rotation of Assembly of Governments Meeting Planning <br />For the last several years, Orange County staff have taken the lead in developing materials for <br />Assembly of Governments meetings based on input from all fourjurisdictions and direction from <br />the Chair of the Board of Commissioners. The possibility of rotating the lead in developing the <br />materials for Assembly of Governments meetings between the four governmental entities has <br />been voiced. A discussion of this potential rotation may be worthwhile, <br />No Attachments <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with discussion of these <br />topics, There are no action items requiring formal Board decisions. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Boards discuss the topics listed <br />and provide appropriate direction to the respective staffs, <br />