Orange County NC Website
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) to develop the regional <br />list of transportation priority projects to discuss with NCDOT for inclusion in the STIP. <br />The recently released Draft 2006-2012 State Transportation Improvement Program indicates <br />that many projects have been delayed, and very few projects have been added. The deadline <br />for public comment/input into the Draft 2006-2012 STIP is June 3`d, Orange County <br />jurisdictions may wish to discuss strategies for handling the process in light of the shortened <br />timeframe for reviewing the Draft 2006-2012 STIP and developing the local supplement while <br />simultaneously preparing regional requests for the 2007-2013 STIP. <br />No Attachments <br />C. Solid Waste Issues <br />1) Status of Regulated Recyclables Materials Ordinance <br />Orange County adopted the Regulated Recyclable Materials Ordinance (RRMO) in 2002 for the <br />purpose of increasing waste reduction in Orange County, particularly with regard to construction <br />and demolition waste. The ordinance requires: <br />• That applicants for new construction obtain a recyclable material permit, <br />• That haulers of certain materials obtain a recyclable material hauler license. <br />That mandatory recycling requirements be complied with through on-site materials <br />separation or by delivering commingled materials to a certified recycling facility that <br />has the capability to properly sort the necessary recyclable materials. <br />The Towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough also adopted the ordinance so that it could be <br />enforced within those jurisdictions. Presently, the Town of Chapel Hill has not yet adopted the <br />ordinance, <br />No Attachments <br />2) Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) -Three Year Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Process <br />The Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) is presently involved in a process to review the <br />current Solid Waste Management Plan in light of concerns expressed by the Town of Chapel <br />Hill, and to a lesser extent the Town of Carrboro, Pursuant to state regulations, the Plan must <br />be revised and readopted every three years. The process (attached) that has been established <br />for reevaluating the current Plan includes the formation of a SWAB Work Group consisting of <br />SWAB members and elected officials from each of the four jurisdictions who are parties to the <br />Interlocal Agreement along with a representative from the University. The appointees to date <br />include: <br />• Barry Jacobs, Orange County <br />• Mark Chilton, Carrboro <br />• Brian Lowen, Hillsborough <br />• Jim Alty, University of North Carolina <br />• Nomination Pending, Chapel Hill <br />Attachment 1-C-2 -Orange County Solid Waste Management Plan Reconsideration/ <br />Review Process <br />