Orange County NC Website
e. Amendments to the Orange County Economic Development <br />District (EDD) Design Manual related to the 1 -40 /Old NC86 and <br />1- 85/NC86 economic development district to include abridging <br />and revising the manual to cite more objective standards of <br />review in the areas of performance standard, landscaping, <br />buffers, parking, lighting, setbacks and architecture. These <br />standards would be used in site plan review of EDD /Limited <br />Office Districts as well as future EDD special use zoning <br />districts. <br />f. Non - residential subdivision amendments continued from <br />November 27, 2000 public hearing. <br />D. (County Commissioner Action Only) CLOSED SESSION <br />"To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager <br />and County Attorney on the negotiating position regarding the terms of <br />a contract to purchase real property," NCGS § 143- 318.11(a)(5). <br />E. ADJOURNMENT <br />