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<br />5 <br />Schools, Planning Staff has had a request to review the term “preparatory.” Is there a better term? Staff is working on this, but 216 <br />elementary, middle and secondary are being combined into this centralized category. 217 <br /> 218 <br />Paul Guthrie asked how Planning Staff is defining preparatory. 219 <br /> 220 <br />Michael Harvey referenced and read aloud Attachment 3. 221 <br /> 222 <br />David Blankfard asked if preparatory schools included boarding schools. 223 <br /> 224 <br />Michael Harvey responded that boarding schools would also fall into this category, as long as the school is providing 225 <br />education-based on a curriculum designed to satisfy the state of North Carolina’s Department of Education requirements. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Tony Blake asked if The Grange or a 4-H club or something similar would fit into the previously discussed category, Non Profit 228 <br />Educational Cooperative. 229 <br /> 230 <br />Michael Harvey said no. Those types of clubs would be categorized as a lodge, club or social, fraternal, or other organization, 231 <br />or even a camp. 232 <br /> 233 <br />Tony Blake noted that the primary goal of those clubs is education. 234 <br /> 235 <br />Paul Guthrie asked about how a home-based individual or organization that does counseling and training for kids in the 236 <br />summer would be categorized. 237 <br /> 238 <br />Michael Harvey said that from his standpoint, this person would likely need a Home Occupation Permit. 239 <br /> 240 <br />Paul Guthrie followed-up by asking that if someone was engaging in online classes but also had a tutor or educator come to 241 <br />her or his home, would these activities fall under a Home Occupation Permit? He also expressed some concern about the 242 <br />grouping of all educational activities together without considering licensing requirements and other such qualifications that 243 <br />someone might need, inclusive of graduate students who provide home-based tutoring. 244 <br /> 245 <br />Michael Harvey replied that he thought it was best that he and Paul meet together to discuss the category of Schools: 246 <br />Preparatory in greater detail. He also provided clarification that tutoring services are covered in other land use categories, like 247 <br />Schools: Technical, Trade, and Skill Training. There is another category detailing services that includes tutoring as well. 248 <br />Michael concluded that he would put together an email on where tutoring is captured in Table of Permitted Uses and would 249 <br />review the information with Paul and present it to the group to ensure the matter is addressed to the Board’s satisfaction. 250 <br /> 251 <br />Tony Blake asked if there was a new school being built off of Mount Carmel Church Road. 252 <br /> 253 <br />Michael Harvey explained this new building houses a daycare and that it is located within Chapel Hill’s jurisdiction. He 254 <br />continued his presentation, noting that another big change Planning Staff is recommending is in regards to how schools are 255 <br />permitted. Currently, schools are permitted with a Class A Special Use Permit, yet universities, colleges and institutes are 256 <br />permitted by right in residential districts. Planning Staff does not understand the distinction. 257 <br /> 258 <br />Tony Blake noted that the distinction may have been made for government institutions. 259 <br /> 260 <br />Michael Harvey said that James Bryan, County Attorney, and Planning agree that since they are all educational institutions, 261 <br />there is inherently no difference. The Emerson Waldorf School, as an example, has a Class A Special Use Permit. Using this 262 <br />logic, there is no reason not to compel a university, college or institute to get a Special Use Permit and Planning Staff has 263 <br />some standards they have compiled to do so. A concern that has come is about Duke Forest. Planning Staff believes that 264 <br />Duke Forest is considered a research facility and institute. Staff has included new language in the Table of Permitted Uses 265 <br />and revised Article 5 to give Duke University’s Duke Forest legitimacy as an institute under this construct. Duke Forest is a 266 <br />teaching area, a research area and an open space preservation area. Planning Staff wants to encourage and promote that. 267 <br />Mr. Harvey continued his presentation, moving on to Construction in the Table of Permitted Uses. He said that Staff went to a 268 <br />level of detail here to address concerns, but upon review, the County Attorney is now suggesting that instead of having the 269