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<br />10 <br />impact and all provide essentially the same service. Staff does not want to distinguish between an assisted and a Medicare 485 <br />facility as they are both providing a necessary service. In response to this, a County Commissioner has asked if Planning is 486 <br />trying to encourage this type of service in rural areas of the County. Mr. Harvey’s recommendation is no; it needs to be 487 <br />encouraged in areas of the County that have the facilities to support it, specifically water and sewer services. It can be 488 <br />problematic to have a Carolina Meadows-style facility in a rural area where there are no facilities (Carolina Meadows has its 489 <br />own water and sewer) and where there may not be water and sewer for a very long time, especially in consideration of areas 490 <br />in the Rural Buffer. 491 <br /> 492 <br />Kim Piracci asked about recreation activities such as live music, which she noticed is not specifically listed. She worried that if 493 <br />something like live music is not listed, it is prohibited. 494 <br /> 495 <br />Michael Harvey answered that live music is detailed in the Article 5 and that he will email her the provisions. Regulatory 496 <br />standards deal with hours of operation, setbacks and other standards. The Sheriff’s Office deals with noise complaints. 497 <br /> 498 <br />Randy Marshall asked if Recreational Uses Not Listed Herein is a catchall. 499 <br /> 500 <br />Michael Harvey answered that the land use will be going away. In response to general comments from Committee members 501 <br />on various recreational activities like rollerblading, motorcross, race track and such, Mr. Harvey responded that with the global 502 <br />category Recreational Facilities spells out a myriad of activities. If someone straps on a pair of rollerblades and skates in a 503 <br />park, this is not a regulated activity, whereas proposing to build a skating rink is a regulated activity. The Recreational Facility 504 <br />is the ultimate catchall and it was recently revised two years ago. 505 <br /> 506 <br />Paul Guthrie brought-up the example of the cricket field off of Old Greensboro Road on someone’s property, holding games 507 <br />on the weekend. 508 <br /> 509 <br />Michael Harvey said that the issue that the neighbors of the cricket field are upset about is in regards to waste and bathroom 510 <br />facilities - how is that being addressed during cricket games? Planning Staff is aware that there is a league that is advertising 511 <br />the field for games on the property and is taking money from players that are joining the league’s membership. This is a 512 <br />pending enforcement matter. He went on to say that the goal of the County is not to say that you cannot hold a pick-up 513 <br />basketball game, a cricket game, or the like on your property, but when there is more of an organization component to the 514 <br />activity, it has ancillary impacts, and people may need to go through a process. People coming over to play poker or pool at 515 <br />someone’s house does not make the house a pool hall. There is a limit to which regulation should play. Mr. Harvey continued 516 <br />his presentation. The next topic of discussion is Services and he read aloud the categories within. He highlighted the addition 517 <br />of Religious Facility. This category is meant to be a catchall for all places of worship. Currently, “church” is the only category 518 <br />defined, and over the years, members of the public and applicants have raised issue with not fitting into this category. What 519 <br />about a synagogue or a mosque or an ashram? This is new category is an attempt to convey that the County does not 520 <br />discriminate against religious facilities. Mr. Harvey focused next on Telecommunications. While this category has existing 521 <br />language, there will be a wholesale modification of these standards next year. The next category of discussion was Temporary 522 <br />Uses. He said that there has been some debate on the need for this category based on questions around legal sufficiency. 523 <br />Planning Staff has been working with the County Attorney to address these questions. 524 <br /> 525 <br />David Blankfard asked about what constitutes “temporary.” 526 <br /> 527 <br />Michael Harvey answered that “temporary” is defined by standards in the UDO and in the Definitions section. For example, 528 <br />you could have a yard sale once a month. The category of Buildings – Portable is usually in reference to initial storage for 529 <br />construction. It is possible that Planning Staff may have to add another category to the Table referring to a temporary 530 <br />residential unit (e.g. temporary mobile home or recreational vehicle) that can be stationed temporarily on your property while 531 <br />you are doing construction on your house, though it must be removed within 90 days. The Temporary Fund Raising Activity is 532 <br />permitted, providing that these activities do not exceed two days per month, though there is no definition of this in Definitions. 533 <br /> 534 <br />Paul Guthrie asked about an activity such as fundraising during the holiday season outside of the grocery store where 535 <br />someone puts money into a basket. 536 <br /> 537