ORC minutes 010417
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Orange County Planning Board
Ordinance Review Committee
ORC minutes 010417
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Last modified
8/29/2018 11:50:50 AM
Creation date
8/29/2018 11:50:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Approved 2.1.17 <br /> <br />13 <br />Lydia Wegman: But you did say we might have other ORC discussions? 634 <br /> 635 <br />Michael Harvey: Well there are going to be a lot of ORC discussions. You’re cited to do a minimum of at least one more. I’m 636 <br />probably thinking there will be one more after that so you guys are going to see this in a couple different f ormats. I’ve kept 637 <br />manufacturing, assembly, and processing consistent with the work you’ve already done that begins on page 51. There was no 638 <br />reason to change that. I thought the work you all did with Perdita and the work she did needed to be preserved. So that is 639 <br />incorporated verbatim from what you’ve already seen, and done, and played with. Let me ask you a question as we get to 640 <br />page 57. Medical uses. We currently break down medical uses really to health services over 10,000, health services under 641 <br />10,000. I don’t see a reason to have an arbitrary square footage limit because I can actually think of several health services at 642 <br />9,000, 8,000, 7,000 square feet that would probably be something you don’t want in several districts, and some let’s say at 643 <br />2,000, 3,000 you may want to allow in more prevalent locations. So if you’re comfortable I’m going to abandon the square 644 <br />footage issue and just list out what I consider health services using some of the makes, physicians’ officers and the likes. Are 645 <br />you all ok with that for the next draft? 646 <br /> 647 <br />Unanimous approval. 648 <br /> 649 <br />Tony Blake: What about page 62? I keep hearing people float the idea of some sort of a, for lack of a better comparison, wolf 650 <br />trap type thing around here. Smaller but it’s an outdoor performing arts summer theatre type of thing. Is that intended to be 651 <br />covered under this? 652 <br /> 653 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m sure it will be. 654 <br /> 655 <br />Lisa Stuckey: So the fact that we allow no performing arts… 656 <br /> 657 <br />Michael Harvey: Well this is just the list, one of the reasons is I haven’t figured out what I want to do with some of this yet. But 658 <br />to answer Tony’s question about recreation uses from that standpoint, I think part of my answer to you Tony is going to be if 659 <br />you’re proposing and we currently haven’t defined a recreational facility that is a wolf trap-esque it would be a Class B SUP. 660 <br /> 661 <br />Michael Harvey: So utilities… One of the concerns that I am working with on utilities is trying to figure out what State law does 662 <br />and does not let me do. Current code says that for you to have a utility distribution line over a certain wattage or pressure in 663 <br />terms of gas, you have to get a SUP. There is some thought that State utilities commission actually trumps what we can or 664 <br />can’t do because they’re saying PSNC, UPiedmont have an obligation to provide a service, you have to get it in. Well the SUP 665 <br />was denied. Well who is Orange County, or Chapel Hill, or Durham to tell you that you can’t install a mandated state utility? 666 <br /> 667 <br />Tony Blake: They won’t let you… There are grid requirements that would trump you. 668 <br /> 669 <br />Paul Guthrie: That case is going to get fully aired as they build a new pipeline through Eastern North Carolina. 670 <br /> 671 <br />Michael Harvey: The regional pipeline issue going through Virginia, North Carolina I think actually bears some scrutiny 672 <br />whereas the PSNC Pipeline that went through Orange County that provides service to County residents and handles outside 673 <br />County, it’s part of their distribution line. I think it’s a better argument for that one to say why are you requiring this to have a 674 <br />SUP when you have to approve it? Because what PSNC argued during their SUP hearing was, “We’re a public necessity” and 675 <br />there was some truth. Now they still went through the process, they didn’t sue me; they went through the process… 676 <br /> 677 <br />Paul Guthrie: And then sold themselves out to Duke Power. 678 <br /> 679 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes, and then we had a really ugly public hearing. It was not pretty, but the SUP was approved. So you’re 680 <br />going to be hearing more about utilities as we move forward from that standpoint. I wanted to at least call your attention to why 681 <br />there may be a change. Wholesale trade, again, we’ve just provided you the breakdown to show you the level of detail. And I 682 <br />think I have sufficient direction to get you to phase 2. 683 <br /> 684 <br />Michael Harvey: You’ll see this in March. Now what I’ll do for you to get you something in either a table or an Excel format that 685 <br />will make it a little easier for you to search electronically, which we can do. It’ll take me some time to figure out. 686
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