ORC minutes 070616
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Ordinance Review Committee
ORC minutes 070616
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Last modified
8/29/2018 11:50:33 AM
Creation date
8/29/2018 11:50:29 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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<br />5 <br />Kim Piracci: When you were talking about the 20,000 square foot thing and you were going to get rid of that and it 215 <br />was difficult, is that going away? Is it being moved to 40,000? 216 <br /> 217 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well, the way zoning works is that you have legislative decisions where you have by-right things and 218 <br />then you have quasi-judicial decisions. SUPs are quasi-judicial decisions and you haven’t experienced one yet but 219 <br />you will next month. They are fairly complicated and there are a lot of limitations on who can say what and when and 220 <br />things like this. And there are lawyers on all sides. We are suggesting doing away with the SUP requirement for any 221 <br />type of developments on two acre or larger lots. It would still be subject to all of the other criteria that are in the UDO, 222 <br />which is fairly extensive. 223 <br /> 224 <br />Tony Blake: But only in these zones, right? 225 <br /> 226 <br />Perdita Holtz: Right. 227 <br /> 228 <br />Craig Benedict: Just to add, SUP’s are typically associated with certain uses that, based on their nature, need 229 <br />additional review. So let’s say, an asphalt mixing plant will still be a SUP. The criteria that we had in here was unique, 230 <br />it was based on an acre size and not on the use and was based on the square footage of a building size. Which a 231 <br />20,000 square foot medical building probably doesn’t have the same scrutiny that a 20,000 square foot different use. 232 <br />But if it is a 20,000 corporate asphalt mixing plant it still has to go through the SUP process. So we’re getting rid of 233 <br />two criteria that were based on acreage and square footage, which are not your normal SUP criteria. So we’re going 234 <br />back to more of a conventional standardization of why you have a special use, and that’s usually because the 235 <br />operation might have glare, noise, a lot of traffic, that type of stuff will put you in a SUP category. 236 <br /> 237 <br />Lydia Wegman: Just for the record, I’m not comfortable with the elimination of the Class A SUP. It still makes me 238 <br />uncomfortable… So I would just suggest that you provide a little further explanation about why that makes sense. I 239 <br />understand why it makes sense from a development standpoint but why it’s not going to be harmful. 240 <br /> 241 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well these areas that would be zoned, EDH-3, 4 and 5 are not near residences. 242 <br /> 243 <br />Lydia Wegman: Ok. 244 <br /> 245 <br />Craig Benedict: The two amendments she was talking about with the zoning, some are called text amendments and 246 <br />that’s everything that she’s doing with EDH-3 and changes the uses and the floor area ratios; all those are 247 <br />considered text amendments. And the other type of zoning amendment changes is a map amendment. That’s where 248 <br />you’re actually going from EDH-2 and making it EDH-3. So that’s how they’re separate. 249 <br /> 250 <br />AGENDA ITEM 4: TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH/ORANGE COUNTY CENTRAL ORANGE COORDINATED AREA LAND USE 251 <br />PLAN AMENDMENT 252 <br /> 253 <br />To receive information about an upcoming Land Use Plan amendment involving five parcels 254 <br />south of Interstate 40 in the vicinity of Old Highway 86. Amendments are proposed to better 255 <br />promote economic development opportunities in the area and help preserve planned sewer 256 <br />capacities for non-single-family residential uses. 257 <br /> 258 <br />Presenter: Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor 259 <br /> 260 <br />Tom Altieri delivered presentation. 261 <br /> 262 <br />Tony Blake: Is this change being driven by the landowners or by the County or by the town? 263 <br /> 264 <br />Craig Benedict: There will be an interlocal agreement that will probably refer to these changes that occur here that 265 <br />says, “As long as you redevelop consistent with this joint land use plan then please feel free to use this public water 266 <br />and sewer system.” So the commissioners, probably in September, will be seeing a draft of this interlocal agreement 267
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