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<br />2 <br />development or something of the whole area any future, additional changes for some of these accepted uses inside 54 <br />the area must go through the whole process again to make sure that they are not more than 25% of the area. 55 <br /> 56 <br />Perdita Holtz: The intent of this was for a cohesive development project overall site plan. 57 <br /> 58 <br />Paul Guthrie: I understand that, but I think that’s one of my worries through the whole paper. All of this is the initial 59 <br />thing. What’s going to happen ten years from now? Because the natural order of things in development is that you 60 <br />devolve, and then you re-develop, and then you re-develop if you can’t get land outside to do it all over again. And 61 <br />I’m wondering if somehow there could be a clause that the lawyers would accept that at a certain point you have to 62 <br />basically reinterpret this whole original area that was zoned that way and developed in that definition. 63 <br /> 64 <br />Craig Benedict: When we do a site plan, for let’s say a ten acre site, but they’re only using six acres, but yet that 65 <br />original site was a ten acre site and somebody wants to develop something we call that a site plan modification. So 66 <br />that we’re still including what happened in phase 1 so maybe something along those lines. 67 <br /> 68 <br />Tony Blake: I’m trying to stay with the overall purpose and background, which is to streamline things. To make it 69 <br />easier to develop and I know a lot of times you guys come up with a conceptual plan for something but the developer 70 <br />wants to move things around and that’s when the real discussions happen. But, if the thing is based on square 71 <br />footage it seems like that’s a cumbersome method of doing it and if you wanted to streamline the process you would 72 <br />make it based on square acres or land or something. 73 <br /> 74 <br />Craig Benedict: We’ve considered the square footage versus acreage and some projects could use up a lot more 75 <br />acreage by not keeping it to square footage so we don’t want a lot of our economic development zones to have too 76 <br />much residential so the square footage is a value. So for now we’re going square footage and we’ll evaluate this as it 77 <br />comes through. 78 <br /> 79 <br />Tony Blake: Would food trucks be permitted? 80 <br /> 81 <br />Craig Benedict: Yes. 82 <br /> 83 <br />AGENDA ITEM 3: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – HILLSBOROUGH ECONOMIC 84 <br />DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (EDD) 85 <br /> 86 <br />To review and comment upon proposed amendments to the UDO that would modify existing 87 <br />regulations that pertain to the Hillsborough EDD. 88 <br /> 89 <br />Presenter: Perdita Holtz, Planning Systems Coordinator 90 <br /> 91 <br />Perdita Holtz delivered presentation. 92 <br /> 93 <br />Lydia Wegman: What is the difference between EDH-2, 3, 4 and 5? 94 <br /> 95 <br />Perdita Holtz: The types of uses that are allowed, the development standards that are on the table - lot sizes, floor 96 <br />area ratios, that kind of stuff. And there is an EDH-1 also, but we’re not proposing any changes to that district. 97 <br /> 98 <br />Perdita Holtz continued presentation. 99 <br /> 100 <br />Lydia Wegman: Is there any downside, as far as not requiring a Class A SUP, for people who live near it? 101 <br /> 102 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well there could be, it depends on a person’s point-of-view. As you know the Special Use Permit 103 <br />(SUP) process is pretty involved and when people find out that they need to hire an attorney to represent them they 104 <br />often have a problem with that. 105 <br /> 106 <br />Craig Benedict: Perdita, is the EDH-1, which we’re not suggesting to change, closer to the residential areas now? 107