Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.3: Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br /> <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-6 <br /> <br />(B) For all proposed amendments, Notice notice of the public hearing shall be given by <br />publishing said notice at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, <br />stating the time and place of such hearing and the substance of the proposed <br />amendment. <br />(1) This notice shall appear in said newspaper for two consecutive weeks with the <br />first notice appearing not less than ten days nor more than 25 days before the <br />date set for the public hearing. In computing the notice period, the day of <br />publication is not to be included, but the day of the hearing is to be included. <br />(2) The minimum published size of the notice shall be 25 square inches.7 <br />(C) In the case of For amendments to the Land Use Plan (map) Future Land Use Map 8, the <br />Planning Director shall provide additional notice with the following:9 <br />(1) prominently post a notice of the public hearing on the site proposed for the land <br />use change affected parcel or on an adjacent public street or highway right of <br />way not less than ten days before the date set for the public hearing. <br />(a) When multiple parcels are included within a proposed Land Use Plan <br />(map) [Future Land Use Map] amendment affected, a posting on each <br />individual parcel is not required, but the county shall post sufficient <br />notices shall be posted to provide reasonable notice to interested <br />persons. <br />(2) In the case of amendments to the Land Use Plan (map) [Future Land Use Map], <br />written notice of the public hearing shall be sent by first-class mail to all property <br />owners, as listed in the Orange County tax records, whose property is affected <br />(property that is included in the proposed land use plan [Future Land Use Map] <br />amendment) and all property owners or within 500 feet of the affected parcel(s) . <br />Said notice shall be mailed at least 14 days, but not more than 25 days, prior to <br />the date of the public hearing. <br />2.3.7 Consideration of Amendments 10 <br />(A) Principal amendments shall generally only be considered only once each year at the first <br />quarterly public hearing in February of the calendar year, usually held in February 11. <br />(B) If a principal amendment is scheduled by the Board of County Commissioners 12 for other <br />than the February first quarterly public hearing of the calendar year, it shall be scheduled <br />during one of the quarterly public hearings held in May, August, and November later in <br />the year. <br /> <br />7 (B)(1) and (B)(2) are currently (B) and (C) but have been recommended as subparagraphs by the Staff Attorney. <br />8 The name of this map was changed in the Comprehensive Plan in 2012 and should be updated here. <br />9 Proposed changes suggested by the Staff Attorney to clarify the existing language. <br />10 Staff proposes that (A), (B), and (C) of this section be deleted because staff believes that any proposed <br />amendment to the Comprehensive Plan should be able to be heard at any of the quarterly public hearings. <br />Allowing principal amendments “generally” only once per year imposes constraints. If there is not interest in <br />allowing consideration of any amendment at any of the four QPHs per year, then the language should be modified <br />as shown. <br />11 Staff is suggesting the language be less constrictive in case the BOCC wants to move quarterly public hearing <br />dates in the future when the annual BOCC meeting calendar is created in the fall of each year. For example, this <br />was done for the public hearing that was formerly held in August of each year but is now held in September. <br />12 The BOCC does not schedule amendments (staff is responsible for doing so) but if a principal amendment were <br />proposed for a QPH other than the first hearing of the year, staff would coordinate with the Manager and <br />Chair/Vice-Chair to gain input into whether the application should be allowed to be heard at one of the three later <br />QPHs. <br />Staff <br />proposes <br />A, B, and <br />C for <br />deletion <br />(see <br />footnote) - <br />request <br />ORC <br />comment <br /> <br />46