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(4) Historic properties, <br />(5) Scenic corridors, <br />(6) Known bird migratory patterns through the County, <br />(7) Voluntary Agricultural Districts, and <br />(8) Publicly-owned or quasi-public lands. <br />(C) In order to participate in the Plan, all owner(s), or their legally binding representatives, <br />shall submit an application on a form prepared by the Planning Department requesting <br />inclusion. <br />(D) All telecommunication providers who elect to construct facilities on properties in the Plan <br />shall provide all necessary and requested information to the County's <br />telecommunications consultant. <br />(E) Modification of the Plan may be considered annually at the February first Quarterly Public <br />Hearing of the calendar year, normally held in February. Any applicant requesting <br />modification of the Plan shall make application to the Planning Director on or before <br />December 1st of each year. The fee for modifying the Plan shall be that as set forth in <br />the Orange County Schedule of Fees. <br />(F) Withdrawal from the Plan is permitted if any owner submits, to the Planning Director, a <br />notarized statement requesting same. Upon receipt of the request, including any fee for <br />modifying the Plan as set forth in the Orange County Schedule of Fees, the Planning <br />Director shall inform interested parties that the property has been withdrawn from <br />consideration. Removal of the property from the Plan shall be processed as a <br />modification as detailed herein. <br />5.10.3 Annual Telecommunications Projection Meeting (ATPM) <br />(A) Purpose and Outcome <br />(1) The purpose of the ATPM meeting is to allow for a complete review of collocation <br />opportunities, address coverage issues, and discuss the location of needed <br />telecommunication support structures with providers who intent on submitting <br />development applications for action by the County. The intended outcome of the <br />meeting is to allow the County and interested parties to develop a plan for facility <br />deployment within the County that provides reasonable coverage based on the <br />needs of the County and its residents, while minimizing the total number of <br />needed telecommunication support facilities, including minimizing the <br />intrusiveness of such facilities, and encouraging the development of a more <br />efficient telecommunication network. <br />(2) The intended outcome of the meeting is an understanding amongst the Planning <br />Director and providers on areas of the County where telecommunication support <br />facilities are needed and application request for the year should be focused. <br />(B) Applicability <br />(1) By December 31st of each calendar year, telecommunication providers shall <br />submit to the Planning Director a plan indicating proposed search rings for <br />anticipated telecommunication support structures. This plan shall identify areas <br />where providers are looking to locate facilities, as well as identify those areas of <br />the County that are underserved by existing facilities. <br />(2) As of the effective date of this Ordinance amendment any pending applications <br />that have not received a zoning compliance permit or a special use permit shall <br />meet all requirements of this Ordinance, including, but not limited to submission <br />deadlines, application standards and processing, excluding the ATPM <br />requirement. <br />(C) Meeting Specifics <br />70