Orange County NC Website
Article 10: Definitions <br /> Section 10.1: Definitions <br /> <br />Orange County, North Carolina – Unified Development Ordinance Page 10-32 <br /> <br />Public Interest Area <br />Land which contains public or quasi-public uses such as state parks, research forests or known <br />archaeological or historical sites. <br />Public Safety Hazard and/or Nuisance <br />Anything, which is injurious to the safety or health of an Orange County neighborhood, or any <br />considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary <br />manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or basin. <br />Public Vehicular Areas <br />Street in a platted subdivision which are open for vehicular traffic and have been offered for dedication to <br />the public and where the offer for dedication has not been accepted. <br />Recreation Use, Non-Profit <br />An indoor or outdoor recreation use owned by a not-for-profit corporation, according to the laws of North <br />Carolina. <br />Recreation Use, Profit <br />An indoor or outdoor recreation use owned by an entity other than a not-for-profit corporation. <br />Recreation Space <br />Exterior area appropriately improved for common recreational use. Part of total and livability open space. <br />Recreation Space Ratio <br />Recreation space ratio is the minimum square footage of open space in residential areas, suitable by <br />location, size, shape, access and improvements, required for each square foot of gross land area. This <br />area is a public or private exterior area improved for recreation of all residents, having a least dimension <br />of 50 feet, and average dimension of 100 feet and a minimum area of 10,000 square feet. <br />Recreation Vehicle (RV) <br />A self-propelled or towed vehicle, qualified to be licensed by the appropriate State Agency, and is built on <br />a single chassis, 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection, providing <br />short term recreational living accommodations, designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling, <br />but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. <br />Recreational Facility – For ProfitFacilities <br />Includes uses such as tennis clubs, swim clubs, racquet ball, squash clubs, pitch and putt courses, <br />amusement areas, bowling allies, skating rinks, shooting ranges, billiard and pool halls, indoor athletic <br />facilities and such similar uses open to the public or only to members providing access to recreational <br />amenities or services. <br />Reference level <br />The portion of a structure or other development that must be compared to the regulatory flood protection <br />elevation to determine regulatory compliance. For structures within Special Flood Hazard Areas <br />designated as Zone AE, the reference level is the top of the lowest floor. <br />Regulatory flood protection elevation <br />The Base Flood Elevation plus the Freeboard establishes this elevation. In Special Flood Hazard Areas <br />where Base Flood Elevations have been determined, this elevation shall be the Base Flood Elevation <br />plus two feet of freeboard. <br />Rehabilitative Care Facility <br />A facility licensed by the appropriate state agency, as a group care facility for individuals who are <br />handicapped, aged, disabled, youthful offenders, addicted to alcohol or drugs, requiring professional <br />health care, adult supervision, or rehabilitation. <br />16