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2 <br /> <br />Development Ordinance Amendments of the UDO, the Planning Director has <br />initiated text amendment(s) to require a Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) be <br />held for all Special Use Permit (SUP) applications prior to the scheduling of a public <br />hearing. The proposal would also modify the timeline for the holding of a NIM for <br />Conditional Use applications. <br />Originally staff had anticipated amending existing NIM requirements for Conditional <br />Zoning District (CZD) applications, as detailed within Section 2.9.2 (D) of the UDO. <br />Staff determined, however, there was no need to revise existing timelines as CZD <br />applications are not reviewed through the quasi-judicial hearing process (i.e. <br />requiring sworn testimony and competent material evidence) and there was no need <br />to provide additional time to adjacent property owners to understand the review <br />process or prepare for the public hearing. <br />At the May 27, 2014 Quarterly Public Hearing several BOCC members expressed <br />concern over the lack notification/information on SUP applications in advance of a <br />scheduled public hearing. <br />The review of SUP applications are carried out in a quasi-judicial process requiring <br />the presentation of sworn, expert, testimony and competent material/substantial <br />evidence by both those in favor and in opposition to a given application. Decisions to <br />approve or deny an application are based on this evidence. Hearsay or <br />unsubstantiated opinions are not sufficient testimony. Currently, the SUP review <br />process requires adjacent property owners receive written notice of a public hearing, <br />via certified mail, a minimum of 15 days prior to a scheduled public hearing. Given <br />the complexity of the review process the concern is this is insufficient time to allow <br />for adjacent property owners to gather information, or secure the necessary experts, <br />to effectively participate in the review process. <br />At the public hearing staff recommended amending existing permit review processes <br />for SUP applications could be amended for future projects to require the holding of <br />the aforementioned meeting in an effort to inform local property owners of the project <br />and provide educational information on the nature of the proceedings, including detail <br />on what constitutes ‘competent material evidence and testimony’, and the required <br />findings that have to be made to issue a permit. <br /> <br /> <br />2. Analysis <br /> <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br />‘cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, <br />prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of <br />County Commissioners’. <br />The amendments are necessary to ensure Orange County residents and property <br />owners are provided advanced notice of submitted SUP applications, have an <br />opportunity to review the project before a scheduled public hearing, obtain an <br />understanding of the required review and approval processes, and have sufficient <br />time to gather information and/or secure experts to aid them in the review of the <br />project. <br />5