Orange County NC Website
Proposed Amendments Planning Board ORC - October 2, 2013 <br /> <br />Attachment 3 <br />Existing Language to remain within the referenced section of the UDO Existing Language to be revised within the referenced section of the UDO <br />Proposed Language to be added within the referenced section of the UDO <br />Revised Standards <br /> Existing Language Proposed Language <br />Minor Home Occupations Major Home Occupations <br />Definitions <br />Section 10.1 <br />An accessory business use, <br />which is owned or operated by <br />the resident of residentially- <br />zoned property, which business <br />is clearly incidental and <br />subordinate to the principal <br />residential use of the property. <br />An accessory business use which is owned or <br />operated by the resident of a residentially-zoned <br />property and is clearly incidental and subordinate <br />to the principal residential use of the property. <br />An accessory business use which is owned and <br />operated by the resident of the property, located on a <br />single parcel of land at least five acres in size in the AR <br />and R-1 zoning districts, and is clearly incidental and <br />subordinate to the principal residential use of the <br />property. Major home occupations, which do not <br />meet standards of a minor home occupation, shall <br />accommodate for larger scale accessory business uses <br />by allowing for an increase in square footage, number <br />of onsite employees, students, customers, clients, and <br />annual events with an approved Class B Special Use <br />Permit. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />88