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SUMMARY NOTES 1 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD 2 JULY 11, 2018 3 <br />ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE 4 5 <br />NOTE: A QUORUM IS NOT REQUIRED FOR ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS. 6 7 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Marshall (Vice-Chair), Bingham Township Representative; Kim Piracci, At-Large; Randy 8 <br />Marshall, At-Large; Adam Beeman, Cedar Grove Township Representative; Carrie Fletcher, Bingham Township 9 <br />Representative; Patricia Roberts, Cheeks Township Representative; Paul Guthrie, At-Large Chapel Hill Township; 10 <br /> 11 <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Nicholson, Eno Township Representative; Hunter Spitzer, At-Large; David Blankfard, 12 <br />Hillsborough Township Representative; Alexander Gregory, Chapel Hill Township Representative; Lydia Wegman 13 <br />(Chair), At-Large Chapel Hill Township Representative; Buddy Hartley, Little River Township Representative; 14 <br /> 15 <br />STAFF PRESENT: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor; Meredith Kern, Administrative Assistant II 16 <br /> 17 <br />AGENDA ITEM 1: Call to Order and Roll Call 18 <br />The meeting began at 7:43 p.m. 19 <br /> 20 <br />AGENDA ITEM 2: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENTS – REORGANIZATION OF 21 TABLES OF PERMITTED USES - To continue review and discussion on proposed amendments to the UDO that 22 <br />would reorganize the Tables of Permitted Uses in response to the Byrd v. Franklin County judicial decision and 23 <br />modify other sections to ensure consistency within the ordinance. 24 25 <br />PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 26 <br /> 27 <br />Michael Harvey said the Planning Department has been charged with consolidating the permitted uses into a single 28 <br />table. Staff has been working to reduce three tables to one. Also, the permitted uses now have to spell out what is 29 <br />prohibited or is allowed by right to address some court proceedings, notably Byrd v. Franklin County. The 30 <br />interpretation of land use goes more toward free use of property than to governments ability to regulate as was 31 <br />determined by the courts. 32 <br /> 33 <br />The new table notes whether a use is permitted by right, permitted by right with specifications, permitted only by 34 <br />special use permit, or prohibited. 35 <br /> 36 <br />Michael Harvey is attempting to address comments from the attorney’s office, the planning director and elected 37 <br />officials. He has been working with Orange County Attorney James Bryan. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Michael Harvey introduced the new key for the permitted use table. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Randy Marshall asked where Michael Harvey would go to for a resource to conjure up all possible uses. Michael 42 <br />Harvey answered the revised table will focus more on central land use categories versus listing individual land uses. 43 <br />For example you do not need 10 different ways to say retail. Retail is retail regardless of what is being sold. All your 44 <br />need is a retail category with appropriate regulation to address potential impacts such as square footage limitations 45 <br />on building size, prohibitions on outdoor sales. 46 <br /> 47 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the three deleted tables and then the new table. He reviewed how to read the new table. 48 <br />He started with agricultural uses. The only change is eliminating composting with grinding and capturing composting 49 <br />operations as a regulatory requirement versus a separate land use. There were no questions. 50 <br /> 51 <br /> 13