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anybody indicating that the applicant has not met their burden as defined in the ordinance with respect to 295 <br />specific criteria for establishing a daycare or the general findings of fact in Section5.3.2A.296 <br />297 <br />Matt Hughes: I do have one question. This is my first and last case wherethis occurred, but is the applicant 298 <br />also required to adhere to the conditions imposed by the Special Use Permit in July 2015? 299 <br />300 <br />Michael Harvey and Patrick Mallett: Yes. 301 <br />302 <br />Matt Hughes: So we don’t need to touch on existing vegetation being maintained or anything else. Those 303 <br />conditions are still applicable. 304 <br />305 <br />Michael Harvey: Those conditions are still applicable. All you are approving, as Mr. Mallett has pointed out 306 <br />and the abstract has pointed out, is a modification to allow that expansion to happen. All those original 307 <br />conditions are still applicable.308 <br />309 <br />Samantha Cabe: Does anyone have anyquestions fortheapplicant or staff? Do I have a motion to close 310 <br />the public hearing and begin deliberation?311 <br />312 <br />MOTION made by Matt Hughes to close the public hearing. Susan Halkiotis seconded.313 <br />VOTE: Unanimous314 <br />315 <br />Samantha Cabe: At this time, we will begin going through the abstract and the required findings, one 316 <br />section at a time. With regard to the application component, do I have a motion that we adopt staff’s 317 <br />recommendations on that section on Page 81 (it’s the green section)? 318 <br />319 <br />9