BOA agenda 070918
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 070918
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Last modified
8/29/2018 10:58:01 AM
Creation date
8/29/2018 10:57:17 AM
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BOA minutes 070918
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licensedfor 145. I think our schools are somewhat successful because it’s Reggio inspired. It’s Spanish 197 <br />emersion. It’s play-based. It’s project-based. It’s an emergent curriculum, so we don’t just say it’s spring, 198 <br />let’s talk about flowers. We seewhat the children are interested in. We also focus on our outdoorlearning199 <br />environment.By law, we’re required to be outside for at least one hour a day. We’re outside for two to three 200 <br />hours a day. In Reggio inspiration, food is important. So we have a can-free kitchen. We have been pretty 201 <br />successful in Hillsborough. We turn away around 50 families a year. Those are the ones that come for202 <br />tours. Others, when we say we don’t have space, don’t come for a tour. With that said, we had this 203 <br />challenge of expanding this school from a state perspective because of the septic system. The requirement 204 <br />is 25 gallons per day per child. We sent the state three years of data and they approved it for 15 gallons per 205 <br />day per child. When that wasapproved,it opened up that we could servemore children in Hillsborough. I 206 <br />do want to thank you all. With all the emails trying to get on this calendar today,I feel like we know you.207 <br />208 <br />Jay Kennett: I’m Jay Kennett, pastor of Hillsborough United Church of Christ. As Dan said, they have been 209 <br />there 7 years. As you heard previously, this is our third daycare to be there. Every other daycare left 210 <br />because the spacegot too smallfor them. So, Dan and I began discussing this a fewyears ago and the 211 <br />church felt it could offer to make the space larger if we could work out the water issue. It feels like a good 212 <br />opportunity for us to have a long-term tenantand something that is good for the community as well. 213 <br />214 <br />Michael Harvey: Mr. Kennett, can you statefor the record whether or not you have been sworn. 215 <br />216 <br />Jay Kennett: I have been sworn. 217 <br />218 <br />Dan Rockaway: I have been sworn, too. 219 <br />220 <br />Patrick Mallett: Attachment 5is the Findings of Fact. These are the elements you go through page by page, 221 <br />section by section, then go throughthe specific Findings of Fact that start later in the packet. Findings are 222 <br />set out for a Class B Special Use Permit in the ordinance. Turn to Page 81, you have the application 223 <br />components. This articulates and ticks through,where applicable, staff saying yes they have met the 224 <br />burden. All those items in green. The notifications requirements, the date has changed because of the 225 <br />snow date. Then you have your specific standards on Page 83. Standards for a childcare facility, which are 226 <br />very specific in the UDO, on Page 84. Then the three items that you would go through motion by motion.227 <br />228 <br />Patrick Mallett: On Page 87, we have our recommendation. With that, it has several conditions of approval.229 <br />If you choose to approve the Special Use Permit, we ask you to consider adding in the conditions itemized 230 <br />1 through 5 on Page 87and 6 and 7 on Page 88, if you are so inclined. 231 <br />232 <br />Patrick Mallett: Most of the conditions of approval are fairly standard for this type of use. There is 233 <br />acknowledgement of the additional itemsand permitsthat have to occur. This is the first step, the opening 234 <br />of the gate, allowing the expansion. The next step would be a site plan approved with zoning compliance by 235 <br />all the same departments. Then a building permit’s approved. And document for the state theexpanded236 <br />number of children allowed and the septic system. One last thing is they would be working with NCDOT to 237 <br />reviewthe drivewaypermits to make sure it is safe. There is one driveway that is close to the intersection of 238 <br />Davis Roadand Old 86.239 <br />240 <br />Samantha Cabe: Does the board have any questions for Mr. Mallett or the applicants? 241 <br />242 <br />Susan Halkiotis. I don’t have a question. The application was well put together. It was very clear and I 243 <br />appreciate the comments. I do have a comment about the letter that was sent out April 10 by Mr. Kennett. 244 <br />When I read that, I thought if only everybody would approach a project with willingness to let people know 245 <br />7
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