BOA agenda 070918
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Board of Adjustment
BOA agenda 070918
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8/29/2018 10:58:01 AM
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8/29/2018 10:57:17 AM
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BOA minutes 070918
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Board of Adjustment\Minutes\2018
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Patrick Mallet: You’ll see in your packets, starting on Page 38, the normal abstract that is prepared for a 99 <br />case like this, Class B Special Use Permit for a childcare facility. I’m going to go through these briefly and 100 <br />then I’ve got some additional items to hand out to go with the packet. Starting on Page46, you’ve got your 101 <br />site assessment, which gives you an overview of the property. Starting on Page 47, you’ve got your 102 <br />application package. Attachment 3 on Page 62 has notification materials. Staff comments start with 103 <br />Attachment 4 on Page 70.And then we have our Findings of Fact, prepared for each Special Use Permit 104 <br />Class B, starting on Page 80. And the existing Special Use Permit on Page 89. The church was opened in 105 <br />the 90s. The daycare facility in 2005…when was the original daycare opened?106 <br />107 <br />Dan Rockaway: This the third daycare.The original daycare opened in2000.108 <br />109 <br />Patrick Mallett: There has been a daycare in operation here for quite some time. The current operator is 110 <br />Sounds and Colors and they are essentially seeking to expandthe number of children from 55 to80. Part 111 <br />of the expansion is the building and the existing play area.112 <br />113 <br />Patrick Mallett: At the advice of the attorneys office,staff amended the certification, posted the sign, and 114 <br />mailed out the mailings as required by the UDO.This case was cancelled due to snow. This has the new 115 <br />dates. I’ll pass this out to amend thepacket. I also have a page that amendsthe Findings of Fact with the 116 <br />revised dates. And a copyof the notice of the public hearing. I also have enlarged copies of the basic site 117 <br />layout. It’s the same materials as in the packet, just larger. This handout is a basic overview with some of 118 <br />the interior. 119 <br />120 <br />Patrick Mallett: A brief overview. United Church of Christ is located at the intersection of Davis Roadand 121 <br />Old N.C. 86.It’s been there for quite some time. It’s a little hard to see at that intersection because it’s 122 <br />tucked into the woods. The building to the left is the actual church. The childcarefacility is the building to 123 <br />the right. This is Old N.C. 86. If you were traveling south toward Chapel Hill,justto the northis the Settler’s 124 <br />Point development recently approved and the I-40 interchange. The facility is zoned rural buffer. It’s within 125 <br />the Lower Eno unprotectedwatershed and Jordan Lake unprotected watershed. The blue line in the middle 126 <br />signifies the break in the watershed. The church and the daycare has a state-approved septic system. It’s a 127 <br />little bit differentthan your average septic system becauseit’s a sand-filtered lagoon. Thisdarker area at 128 <br />the bottom of the site, I believe, is the new portion of the septic system.The application has been reviewed, 129 <br />as it always is, not just by planning staff but by Environmental Health, the sheriff’s office, to document 130 <br />support of Findings of Fact. 131 <br />132 <br />Patrick Mallett: I’m just going to skip over to the site plan. The area in orange is the expansion to that133 <br />existing building. It’s a 1,200-square-footexpansion to the existing building. And thenthey are expanding134 <br />the play area, the green area alongside it. They will utilize the existing parking. They will improve the 135 <br />handicap parking, located outside thisentranceway. To a large extent, they are going to use the80-plus136 <br />spaces of the church. The childcare facilityoperates during the weekdays. We consider it a compatible use 137 <br />in that the church uses iton the weekends. This is putting it to full use during the weekdays. 138 <br />139 <br />Patrick Mallett: This is themore detailed siteplan, showing you how they are going to reworkthe parking 140 <br />and define it, how they are going to get their ADAcompliance issues dealt within terms of the building code 141 <br />and the expansion area, which is essentially going to be classrooms, administrative space, and 142 <br />multipurpose rooms, and the required playyard andfencing. Here are some schematics of the 143 <br />improvementsto the interior. More details on the interior. These are views from the south, east, you can 144 <br />see this is theexpanded area, the existing building, north, and west. And west would be facing toward the 145 <br />existing church. 146 <br />147 <br />5
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