Orange County NC Website
we obviously update that to April 16 in the first paragraph as well asthe third line in the second paragraph. 440 <br />Susan Halkiotis seconded.441 <br />VOTE: Unanimous442 <br />443 <br />Samantha Cabe: And finally, do I have a motion to approve or deny the application for the Special Use 444 <br />Permit modification?445 <br />446 <br />MOTION made by Holly Safi to approve the application for the Special Use Permit modification. Randy 447 <br />Herman seconded.448 <br />VOTE: Unanimous449 <br />450 <br />Samantha Cabe: Is there anyfurther business of the board? Do I have a motion of to adjourn? 451 <br />452 <br />Micahel Harvey:We have obviously a hearing pending. Not sure of dateyet. On appeal of The Barn at453 <br />Chapel Hill. Mr. Hughes will not be joining us.ChairCabe has to recuse herself. And Safi has to recuse 454 <br />herself as well. We are suggesting that hearing begin at 7 pm. We had selected May 7, but we hear that 455 <br />may not be possible for the applicant as well asguaranteeing wehave a quorum. If board members are 456 <br />amenable, we will hold that meeting at 7 p.m. It will be at the Whitted building.457 <br />458 <br />Samantha Cabe: Prior to the adjournment, would you like this board to take a vote on the time and location 459 <br />of the meeting. 460 <br />461 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes. With date determined by those who will be in attendance. 462 <br />463 <br />MOTION made by Randy Herman to move the next meeting to 7 p.m. at the Whitted building on a date to 464 <br />be determined and voted upon by email.Susan Halkiotis seconded.465 <br />VOTE: Unanimous466 <br />467 <br />468 <br />Michael Harvey: Also to remind those board members who will be at that meeting. The hearing is likely to 469 <br />be filmed or videotaped. We are meeting with Board of Commissioners the modifications to the operations 470 <br />of the Board of Adjustment as it relates to the documentation of your future hearings, whether it be posting 471 <br />meeting audio, live streaming video or videotaping the hearing and then posting to the website. 472 <br />473 <br />Samantha Cabe: What is thetime of that meeting tomorrow?474 <br />475 <br />Michael Harvey: It’s theregular BOC meeting at 7 p.m. atthe Southern HumanServices building in Chapel 476 <br />Hill.477 <br />478 <br />Susan Halkiotis: For the next meeting, it will be Randy Herman, me, Karen Barrows and Mr. Katz? 479 <br />480 <br />Michael Harvey: We are going to be informing the board, and theboard chair knows, that Mr. Hugheshas 481 <br />decided to leave us, regrettably. But we wish him well on his new venture with the Town of Hillsborough. 482 <br />And we will be asking for Mr. Herman, senior alternate, to be moved up,andanother alternate to be 483 <br />appointed and Safi moved up to senior alternate. Our goal is to have five members. 484 <br />485 <br />Randy Herman: That would be difficult to arrange by the time of the next meeting. 486 <br />487 <br />Samantha Cabe: Any further discussion?488 <br />489 <br />15