Orange County NC Website
388389 <br />MOTION made by Randy Herman that the location and character of usewill be in harmony with the areain 390 <br />which it is to be located. Susan Halkiotis seconded.391 <br />VOTE: Unanimous392 <br />393 <br />James Bryan: Two more things. The conditions and approve the permit. 394 <br />395 <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff has reviewed the application, the site plan, and all supporting documentation and has found <br />that the applicant complies with the application requirements, notice requirements, submittal <br />requirements for camp/retreat centers, specific standards of evaluation for camp/retreat centers, <br />and required regulations as outlined within the UDO <br />Staff has not received any evidence indicating the project does not comply with the UDO, including <br />the provisions of Section 5.3.2 (A) (2) inclusive, establishing the grounds for making a negative <br />finding on the general standards as detailed herein. These standards include maintaining or <br />promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare, maintaining or enhancing the value of <br />contiguous property, the use is in harmony with the area in which it is to be located, and the use <br />being in compliance with the general plan for the physical development of the County. <br />The Board could make an affirmative finding on this application provided the Board of Adjustment <br />finds in the affirmative on the specificstandards of evaluationand general standardsas detailed <br />herein,and no evidence is entered into the record demonstrating the applicant has either: <br />a.Failed to meet their burden of proof that the project complies with the specific development <br />standards for a telecommunication facility, or <br />b.Fails to comply with the general standards detailed within Section 5.3.2 (A) (2) of the UDO. <br />In the event that the Board makes an affirmative finding, and issues the permit, staff recommends <br />the attachment of the following conditions: <br />13