Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1 <br />consequences of idling vehicles to school parents, and obtaining signage to post <br />at schools. The CFE could also establish some county messaging as part of this <br />campaign, or put together a public service announcement to broadcast on a local <br />radio station during lunchtime. There are only 2 more BOCC meetings where an <br />item could be presented to BOCC for their consideration before the summer <br />break. There was considerable discussion of possible ways to proceed. Crook <br />suggested that the CFE could develop a challenge for schools to implement. <br />Perhaps school PTAs could undertake this effort in elementary schools, and <br />clubs could lead it in the high schools. Additionally, some sort of competition <br />amongst schools could be encouraged. The CFE could provide some relevant <br />science in support of this effort. Piracci moved that the CFE adopt the framework <br />compiled by Bouma and shown on a PowerPoint slide. This was seconded by <br />Parry and this framework was adopted unanimously. There needs to be some <br />was to measure the success of this effort. The CFE decided that Bouma should <br />lead the effort and the CFE should provide ongoing support. <br />VII. Roadside Wildflower Conservation — Given the late hour, a motion was made <br />by Ward to table this discussion. Seconded by Parry. Unanimously approved. <br />VIII. Committee Meetings — Brief committee meetings were held to discuss the draft <br />list of potential SOE indicators provided by the UNC capstone students. <br />IX. Updates and Information Items — information on the following items was <br />provided: <br />• New Solar Energy Rebates <br />• Political Candidates Not Accepting Funds from Fossil Fuel Companies: <br />http: / / /pledge - signers/ <br />• Eno River Association Confluence Property Grand Opening May 5th 10:00 <br />am <br />X. Adjournment — Marzoula motioned to adjourn, and Parry seconded. Unanimous <br />approval and meeting adjourned at 9:30. <br />