Orange County NC Website
INFORMATIONAL ITEM <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Board of County Commissioners <br />Frank Clifton, Interim County Manager <br />From: Johnny Randall and Michelle Kempinski, Co- Chairs <br />Date: November 17, 2009 <br />Re: Recommendation for Discontinuing the Spraying of Herbicides <br />on Roadsides and Utility Rights -of -Way in Orange County <br />Over the past year the Orange County Commission for the Environment (CFE) has <br />considered the use of herbicides to manage the growth of vegetation along roadsides <br />and utility rights -of -way. The CFE has also discussed the value of those roadsides <br />and rights -of -way as habitat for native plants and wildlife. <br />The attached resolution, adopted by the CFE, recommends that all use of herbicides <br />to manage roadsides and rights -of -way in Orange County be discontinued, and that <br />mowing be reinstated as the sole means of managing unwanted growth of trees and <br />shrubs in those areas. <br />This resolution is a follow -up to a December 2006 memorandum to the Board of <br />Commissioners in which the CFE provided thoughts and recommendations on the <br />use of herbicides on roadsides and utility rights -of -way. A copy of that memorandum <br />is attached for your reference (Attachment 2). <br />Members of the Commission for the Environment (CFE) are available to answer any <br />questions and are willing to present its recommendations at an upcoming Board of <br />Commissioners meeting. <br />Attachments <br />Camm4mS ,K fortbe EAvimn xt <br />C/o OMnge 0o.n td E CD <br />AO BOX 8181/306AR VmR d <br />"ULsborough me 232 8 <br />(y1�J 245 - -2syo <br />