Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 717C8AE2- 4D6E- 4E46- A9A7- F4213973D039 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />-Evening, Weekend, Holiday Program is provided on Thurs 4 PM -8 PM and Sat typically from <br />11 AM - 4 PM. Holiday hours vary depending on the holiday. We are typically open 5 hours on <br />holidays. <br />i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does funding this <br />program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) <br />The lesson that is repeatedly reaffirmed is that relationships, inclusion, and opportunities <br />are interwoven with and at the heart of a healthy community. <br />Club Nova can serve a member for an entire year, for what it cost for less than a week in <br />the hospital. <br />There is a positive impact on alleviating human suffering that people with mental illness are <br />at risk for such as suicide, homelessness, incarceration hospitalization and isolation <br />Evidence substantiates the fact that clubhouses provide communities with a cost effective <br />solution for dealing with the devastating impact that mental illness has on society, and for <br />helping people living with serious mental illness achieve their full potential in their <br />communities. <br />As we attempt to affirm what we know from our moral principles – that we are all in this together and if <br />anybody is diminished, if anybody is left behind, if anybody is marginalized, then we are all diminished —I <br />hope we can commit to making that something we live by. It is something Club Nova embodies every day." <br />-- NC Congressman David Price <br />j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a reduced <br />allocation is recommended. <br />We are filling a critical need in our community that would otherwise go unmet. Club Nova <br />requires a healthy blend of public and private dollars. We are in need of more robust local <br />funding given the challenges in the NC Mental Health System. Without county and <br />municipal funds, Club Nova would have to lay off staff and reduce the number of members <br />accepted and served which would cause our program and members to suffer. North <br />Carolina has one of the lowest reimbursement rates for Clubhouses of any other state in <br />the nation. In a national survey conducted by the University of Massachusetts School of <br />Medicine, representing 30 states, the average hourly reimbursement rate is $23.96 per <br />hour. Our current hourly reimbursement rate is $13.36. With the continuing changes in <br />mental health, Club Nova has stepped up to meet more of the critical needs of members <br />that historically other services were available to help support. Additionally, services we <br />used to be reimbursed for have been eliminated or now have exclusions that result in Club <br />Nova providing in excess of $100,000 in services that are not reimbursed. This amount <br />does not include the elimination of state funding for our Employment Program. Our <br />Employment Program with job development, job training, and ongoing support is an <br />essential facet of Club Nova. <br />k) What percentage of your target population is low- moderate income? <br />100% of our target population are low- moderate income. <br />1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br />(e.g. survey, evaluations, etc. ?) <br />We conduct annual surveys with our membership. We also have weekly House Meetings <br />where all members and staff discuss the happenings of Club Nova and are provided an <br />opportunity for feedback about our program. <br />m) Include any other pertinent information. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/23/2018 1:58:29 PM Page 2 1 of 3 1 <br />