Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 717C8AE2- 4D6E- 4E46- A9A7- F4213973D039 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />coordination and communication; Increased community engagement. <br />Town of Carrboro Board of Aldermen: Enhance and sustain quality of life /place for everyone. Maintain <br />Carrboro's unique identity. Help develop a human environment that promotes trust, mutual respect, <br />acceptance, happiness and well- being. <br />f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will they <br />be identified and connected with the program? <br />Club Nova works with Orange County adults living with serious mental illness (SMI), <br />primarily schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. All members are beneficiaries. Beneficiaries <br />are identified through outreach, community education, other providers and organizations, <br />families, and members of the community. Our referral process ensures that Club Nova is <br />preserved for the intended beneficiaries — adults living with serious mental illness. <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify Program <br />Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br />All staff must have the following trainings in order to maintain our Mental Health License, be <br />accredited by CARF, and in order to bill for Medicaid services: <br />• CPR and First Aid — Annually <br />• Client Rights <br />• Confidentiality <br />• HIPAA <br />• Infectious Diseases and Bloodborne Pathogens <br />• Alternatives to Restrictive Intervention and Crisis Management <br />The following are our kev staff related to the program and their credentials: <br />Karen Kincaid Dunn, Executive Director, BA, QP, 30+ years of direct mental health experience <br />working with individuals living with serious mental illness through work at John Umstead Hospital and <br />Club Nova. Club Nova Director for 24 years with 11 years in non-profit leadership' <br />Steven Warnock, Associate Director of Program, M.Div., QP, 12 years of direct mental health <br />experience and 21 years of non- profit programming and leadership. <br />Marsha Pate, Associate Director of Community Relations, MEd, QP, 6 years of direct mental health <br />experience, plus 30 years of non-profit programming and leadership <br />Peter Mazzei, Coordinator of Membership, MSW, QP, 9 years director mental health experience and <br />leadership. <br />Sadie Brooks, Associate Director of Administration, 4 years direct mental health experience and 18 <br />years administrative operations. <br />Volunteers go through a Club Nova orientation, and are trained directly by an Associate Director <br />and members. They are required to have confidentiality and Clubhouse Model trainings. <br />h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include an <br />implementation timeline. <br />Implementation Timeline: Club Nova has been fully operational for 30 years. <br />• We are open six days per week and all major holidays on the holiday. We are open 55 + hours <br />per week. <br />• Community Supports are provided on a daily, ongoing, and as needed basis. <br />• Nutritious, Affordable Meals: 5 Breakfasts (Mon -Fri), 6 Lunches (Mon -Sat), 2 Dinners (Mon & <br />Thurs), Holiday Meals. Serve 12,000 + meals annually. Members are involved in planning and <br />preparation. <br />• Employment, Supported Education, and Outreach are provided on a daily, ongoing basis. <br />• Transportation: Operates two routes a day (morning and evening) Mon -Sat and major holidays. <br />• Work Ordered Day operates Mon -Fri 8 AM -6 PM and Sat 10 AM -5 PM. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1123/2018 1:58:29 PM Page 20 of 31 <br />