Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 717C8AE2- 4D6E- 4E46- A9A7- F4213973D039 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />■ North Carolina Zoo <br />■ American Dance Festival <br />■ Hog Day /Hillsborough <br />■ Cedar Creek Gallery <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a. <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />Priorities Addressed by Club Nova: Critical Safety Net, Health and Nutrition, and Quality of Life <br />The Clubhouse Model is one of the most comprehensive, integrated programs in the United States <br />offering persons with mental illness access to the supports and opportunities needed to rebuild their <br />lives. Club Nova addresses the risks of mental illness while providing supports and opportunities to live <br />meaningful lives of one's choice in the community. Specifically, we provide the following: <br />Community Support <br />• Assistance in accessing and navigating quality healthcare. Addresses shorter life expectancy and <br />serious health problems. <br />Housing supports to secure and maintain safe, affordable, dignified housing. Averts <br />homelessness. 100 % of Club Nova members maintained housing in 2017. <br />• Crisis prevention and intervention. Saves lives and avoids costly ER and hospitalization costs. <br />• Assistance in securing and maintaining benefits and entitlements. Provides more economic <br />security. <br />• Health and wellness with nutritious, affordable meals that are prepared by members and staff. <br />Addresses hunger and helps mitigate health problems. <br />• Outreach. Combats isolation and reduces risk of crisis, ER visits, and hospitalization. <br />• Transportation. Essential in members accessing Club Nova and the full range of opportunities and <br />supports. <br />• Employment. Addresses high unemployment for our members and increases economic security. <br />• Supported Education. Addresses education that has been interrupted by mental illness. <br />• Work Ordered Day. Provides a sense of community, common purpose, and opportunities to <br />contribute. Builds confidence, self- worth, and skills. <br />• Evening /Weekend /Holiday Program. Addresses isolation and social connectedness. <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council /Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br />Orange County Board of County Commissioners: Supporting affordable housing; providing affordable and <br />healthy meals; providing transportation to low income residents living with mental illness especially those <br />unable to access public transportation; bridging the gaps in quality of aging and mental health; connecting <br />students to community colleges; partnering with local civic organizations, local governments, local <br />businesses, and other support services; creating a safe community and reducing stigma and social inequity; <br />creating employment opportunities for those living with mental illness. <br />Town of Chapel Hill Town Council: Supporting affordable housing and healthcare; Jobs and jobs training, <br />and education supports; Affordable and healthy food options; Increased access to services through <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/23/2018 1 :58:29 PM Page 19 of 31 <br />