hitstES c; t*e 3oari ]f Ccmris sl oners r)"i
<br />htovap, October 7, 1957
<br />?Dare et Go::cissioners for OrenPe Count- met at 10 o'clock , on i'onda„
<br />Octobnr~7, 1957, in t`te Co.^_r:.is c?one.^s' -'.Dos. at ~~e Co:.rt!;ouse in ESlls'eoro.
<br />'tembars present: Chni r:man 3. J. Y, -obbs, Co--issicr.E rs Uonelci XcUade, 7:aipht
<br />?ay, i7oneld Stzn_^ord ~._ ?:E.^.rJ .iel::or.
<br />IQOmbors abs ant: done,
<br />The minutes of t__ Sent ember me=_tinC were rend and approved,
<br />'The toll owin[ rozd pe tlt ions :acre preeen ted:
<br />L F, Stowart ran ues tcd pavlnt for e resd in. CEdar trove To:,nsh i,r, t!:at runs
<br />from Efland to ?rosnect hill and. lmorm as I'a:~zde's t_ . i;-1raey S5.
<br />C Ctzr"-.`ord recuastad envin(- for a road in 3inttam Tctmsrip that rlns Cron!
<br />ill ~hway ~';. tc the Orante Grove-I?111sioro Rpa3 and kno=.:m as te:a iallsboro Aoed,
<br />':' R. Davies requested paving far a road in Cheo_el i2i11 Totms sic t:^.et sans ~
<br />fro^. !tidway Sarvice Stetion on Old a(:~h:ra;,* :36 to plc Cal'rand=r-Dodson Cross 3oacs
<br />e.d Itnor:n es iinlan Qrove C'.nurch (Leap Road.
<br />L. 3. ii_~ffiey Isom Chapel Dill reouas tee that a short road -unniriP Irom the
<br />15 & 501 ey-Pass ~o Coker 'Jri.ve enc. t_enee to Laarel `all iaaEnsi cn be a+pr!tad enu
<br />''~.. melntalned by the Stata,
<br />J. 3. Colds ton or Ora'+.e_n ra^.ue.s tcc. iracel b- pat on the road :ono:.m as deal
<br />SirEet loc eted just outsidE of Carr'ooro,
<br />.. edger J, 3lacitle'r reeaestoc. n .cad le adlnt to her hcme he added to the
<br />Stzte~sys tem, Said ro¢d is more tlz¢n cne mi lE in length ord. aceer _:.inf to present
<br />t anderds does rcC oual__;i for ace.it lon to the Mate s-rsten. 31ac;tlay was
<br />~3 vcn a tons pE lS ti-" Cots end advls ed. to '.._ _ it ecmpleted an:t ,. :_.. nub^'_t it __
<br />tl+.a StatE .-i(h:r3}- :.`eaernent __ a 'nani s'.:<a cnsE.
<br />3eports tor. the mono: pr ce_~=_^b Er, 1957, urere s1b.:ltted by t`-e tollota in[
<br />Department otfi eials:
<br />iiatherlne ?rS tci:ard., dsst, Horse Ter.:ors trati ca Agent;
<br />'dalter :irenn, 'leterans' S=_r^.ice lfficar;
<br />l runt, '-•dC~/, ~El°_RU.IC-nt '_a-! CJ11ECt Ori aSid
<br />~, ii, L;7nch, Cler}: of Court.
<br />.ar lE, Snipes, Grand Serf i'oreman, apneerEd, at the 3oard's reeuas t, *.o discuss '
<br />the condltics of the pLzmbing in the jail. It xas su@pES tad thzt t°.e County ccoun-
<br />tnnt secure the services o^ a:r emir Ear to prepare a survE, of t.".e ,ei1 plur:binp
<br />e^.d submit e written report to the Board s_ttie(; forth hie ooini on as t ,._
<br />cosditlo~s of the ¢il nlu::biap_ and 'cis racor.!mendetions es to the repair=_~-^.e edeu.
<br />Llr. Jesse idevillE asked. who :.e should contact to get a culvert repaired. iir.
<br />Grahem, County dttorna~, edcised !r. :ieville to contact ?~ir. C. ?, '.iel ter s, Count;:
<br />Roac Sugar clsor, cone am ing this ;~ntter,
<br />h-. F.. Oraha:. s::tml ttc-d. 3 elzctri cal '_ pectlon Orlin:encE to t'":e 3oard.
<br />fOn t::Elr CCY.Pi derati pn, :IO eC ti O:': ~.~~ - eSl _ ~`+ia ti:^.E, b1.: ....:e ardi-s:lCe
<br />'a 11 ba ..._scuss ed at '~::.o ne-rt re(rz.l s- ,..__„~']i of tSC 3oerd,
<br />Co:•:-1s sl Duet
<br />Stw". e~3 ;recs.=. C.=~+ `p :::= 3aard e tepee st Iro:a t'cE Cr eat er __^el
<br />'1'_ - Prctecti ]n - - Tor: _ io _"or :ne::ati o:: oi' t":ze ^o::r. ns :?'°"3
<br />" D_o~ a. a :~_. for ^5, ~ page G1, .. .., 0"__,._ .... 3e 1-.l stc-
<br />o_^ Ue Eds cf Oran rs Jo'::n t;r,
<br />i;no;: motic-.. of Cocmis slpn er ?e-, 'seen dad Hy Coavmis s. ]npr 1'el::Er n:-r1 _nari:^:pas ly
<br />edopted, the recuest fao.: t^a Cc:¢ai=sloe ::as epnroaEE., m:.d _ :ras orde-e thet
<br />area be ., :ed lnto the Greater Chepel "'11 ?ire ]latrlct ~.L•13er ~.... ^orit7 0" Sect ion
<br />09-,25.11 (a)cof ~::E General Stetut ES of 'orti: Car]1.`na.
<br />k copy of ^_sol•::tL cn ~.:d of ::^.e rep:.est ]f -ire Dist-:^t :-:i<pt on
<br />sha11 be sort to - Parseper or 4a~:e1 " 1:, _~: arlEr ti'et 7e -a,~.~tisc Sn-
<br />oeTlCtl]n5 tp ..._ ... ^1~."_11 -:__ DCp3Ttment,
<br />Upon moll].^. rt Co::r:is si one-r '!al er, sECOadc3 bg ~o.._-is si Inc-r Iic ~a:;e and ':es-:_
<br />moos Sy adontec., ;enneth Chea:: Bras flp;: o'_at=_d to the 2aard o` dj:u 7:=_r.t ^or ~ ._. ,_
<br />..hi a;^ erg lre_ a~~ .P.z1;- 1, 1959.
<br />3apo-rt nn ';e `first sct:ool inspac+„~.s - liven t:: Hos-d b:~' .- .,,
<br />'pc CO: _. Cn0.`:elL ^.11 and ~~ L, ?059riCYia CPY:"l~Sp J. ] ..:!e e1EC iC31~^ D C. C'''S
<br />_°]^ OrP_.^.(B ~ 1'j. °'1:E Y:3hcCtOrn _ rgOUes ICH tC !'13.tC _t:0`.:- AOnt .ST _ ^CCILO^.
<br />__ ~t.~•- ne__.-_~ _ c
<br />6n. rBp `, t?wthe _O[;.^d 8t , C(n11flr 9 tl::=> E:I'_' al?0 a: o^at .._._ -u9 ~
<br />s::bm_t a fee sdvd:le -^o^ cue's _:, s':ze"^-_ -.-~ ~t: avfly all Derr: roe,
<br />tY.e rz. o.~ p ' _.,'.1_ _ ': or ~;,o _e .. -, subjec ;r :cam. a. dlt n ..._
<br />.. _. 4' ., ~ ., o ._
<br />