2018-482-E Finance - Human Rights Center DBA Refugee Community Partnership outside agency agreement
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2018-482-E Finance - Human Rights Center DBA Refugee Community Partnership outside agency agreement
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R 2018-482 Finance - Human Rights Center DBA Refugee Community Partnership outside agency agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: A2273A84- 8827 - 4141- A87E- C8CFF83C3936 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />2. AGENCY INFORMATION (Be Very Brief and Concise) <br />Please provide the following information about your agency (2 pages OR LESS): <br />a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (Month /Year): 9 years, 09/2008 <br />b) Agency's Purpose /Mission (no more than a few sentences): <br />Through long -term relationship -based support, opportunity development, and <br />cultural stewardship, the Refugee Community Partnership enables and sustains the <br />lifelong process of rebuilding home. Through strategic, cross - sector collaborations, <br />RCP works to enable equitable access to community services and resources, and <br />reshape pathways to opportunities for local refugees in a region with one of the <br />worst economic disparities in North Carolina. <br />c) Types of Services the Agency Provides (bullet format): <br />Bridge Builders is RCP's anchor program, which provides comprehensive, culturally - <br />appropriate support to help refugees find and retain employment and housing; learn <br />English and increase literacy; acquire community navigation skills; improve academic <br />performance among school aged youth; address food insecurity; and build pathways out of <br />poverty. Neighborhood residents and local stakeholders work one -on -one with a refugee <br />family long -term to help them identify and address immediate needs —such as learning the <br />public transit system, improving English, and finding housing - -and develop personalized <br />pathways to long -term goals, like obtaining a GED in order to improve employment <br />opportunities. Volunteers serve as "cultural consultants" and as an on -call emergency <br />contact, helping families navigate crises like natural disasters or police encounters. <br />Bridge Builders families and their volunteers participate in Family Field Days where <br />families, volunteers, staff, and board members go on community outings to public areas <br />like the Farmer's Market, local parks, or downtown. These outings are designed to help <br />families readjust to and gradually dissolve trauma - related fear of public and crowded <br />spaces, and increase participation in civic environments. <br />Refugees are reluctant to see professional service providers for trauma - related <br />psychological distress, despite their eagerness for support. Our Women's Group provides <br />culturally appropriate support to women and girls who are victims of trauma, torture, or <br />abuse who otherwise are unable to access mental health services. Collaborating with UNC <br />Refugee Wellness and the UNC School of Social Work, we draw on the existing kinship <br />ties and social safety networks among refugee communities to create small, intimate <br />support circles. The group meets once /month in a safe environment and focuses on <br />specific themes, like mindfulness -based practices for trauma survivors, self- defense, <br />psychological distress from acculturation and loss of cultural identity, among others. <br />Refugees face food insecurity soon after resettlement and experience significant dietary <br />shock and adverse health disorders due to the financial barriers to accessing fresh, <br />healthy food. In partnership with Farmer Foodshare and the Carrboro Farmer's Market, <br />Bridge Builders provides fresh produce donated by local farmers to over 100 people each <br />week. In 2017 alone, local farmers donated over 9,000 Ibs of fresh food that fed refugee <br />families who otherwise cannot afford it. <br />• ESL Class which provides highly customized one -on -one ESL instruction to students at all <br />levels (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) and role -play scenarios of work, social, or <br />Agency Information 1/23/2018 3:14:24 PM Page 9 o' 3 <br />
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