Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E30588DE -A1 BC- 443D- A5C4- 3BE790331500 <br />Performance Measures <br />Anticipated <br />Results <br />Adapted Sport Programming: <br />Athletes will perform a skills test during each season (# of Athletes) <br />8 <br />Athletes will create, maintain and complete season -end analysis goal cards <br />8 <br /># of Athletes <br />Increase athlete participation by adding 4 new athletes (# of Athletes keep 10 <br />4 <br />and grow by 4 additional <br />Host 1 -2 events in the Triangle area to facilitate social networking and physical <br />40 <br />competition and promote disability awareness # of Athletes <br />DOCUSigne- dj-by: <br />S ` ma'S Executive Director 8/22/2018 <br />Certified by: _ 07A241cao61441c... Title: Date: <br />(Provider's Signature) <br />