Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E30588DE -A1 BC- 443D- A5C4- 3BE790331500 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Based on data in our CRM, over 50% are identified as low- moderate income. <br />bb) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br />(e.g. survey, evaluations, etc. ?) Surveys are sent out after each event. <br />cc) include any other pertinent information. <br />BIIS has a $1 million child molestation insurance policy <br />BIIS staff and coaches: <br />• Working with children are background screened <br />• Are trained and certified in the SafeSport program created by the USA <br />Olympic /Paralympic Committee <br />• Are trained and certified in concussion training by the Centers for Disease <br />Control (CDC) <br />• Are trained and certified in Positive Coaches Alliance <br />• Are trained and certified in Red Cross First Aid and CPR <br />• Many staff and coaches are people with disabilities, understanding the <br />journey and recovery. <br />• Trained it TBI /PTSD <br />Additional Program Information <br />dd)Target Population <br />Complete the following tables, with numbers (not percentages) of individuals served and to be <br />served, to the best of your ability. <br />Program Target. Population.Demographics <br />Actual Estimated Projected <br />2016 -17 2017 -18 2018 -19 <br />Gender <br />Male <br />Female <br />Total <br />Ethnicity (We will collect next time) This is what we <br />did collect <br />African- American Amputee <br />American Indian /Alaska Native Blind/ Low Vision <br />Asian Cerebral Palsy <br />Caucasian Spina Bifida <br />Native Hawaiian /Pacific Islander Spinal Cord Injury <br />Other: TBI /PTSD /Stroke <br />Total <br />Of the above, how many Hispanic /Latino <br />505 <br />525 <br />550 <br />127 <br />150 <br />175 <br />632 <br />675 <br />725 <br />41 <br />60 <br />70 <br />18 <br />25 <br />30 <br />36 <br />40 <br />45 <br />75 <br />85 <br />95 <br />88 <br />90 <br />100 <br />374 <br />375 <br />385 <br />632 <br />675 <br />725 <br />We will do a <br />Increase <br />Increase <br />better job <br />by 5% <br />by 5% <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/22/2018 10:12:15 AM Page 23 of 30 <br />