Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E30588DE -A1 BC- 443D- A5C4- 3BE790331500 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />3. PROGRAM INFORMATION (Submit a separate Section 3 for each program) <br />Program Name: Adapted Competition Events <br />Program Primary Contact and Title: Ashley Thomas, Founder & Executive Director <br />Telephone Number: (866) 880 -2742 E -Mail: ash ley ( <br />q) Indicate the type of Human Service Needs Priority, if program applicable: <br />❑ Priority Area #1: safety -net services for disadvantaged residents <br />❑ Priority Area #2: education, mentorship, and afterschool programming for <br />youth facing a variety of challenges <br />® Priority Area #3: programs aimed at improving health and nutrition of needy residents <br />r) Indicate the type of program for which you are requesting funding <br />(Check all that apply to this program) <br />Program Category', <br />y <br />Youth <br />Adult <br />Elderly <br />Disabled <br />Public Housing <br />Neighborhoods /Residents <br />Affordable Housing <br />Affordable Healthcare <br />Education <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />Family Resources <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />Jobs /Jobs Training <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />Food <br />Transportation <br />Other: Please specify <br />Health & Fitness <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />X <br />s) Provide a bulleted list of other agencies, if any, with which your agency <br />coordinates /collaborates to accomplish or enhance the Projected Results in the Program(s) <br />to be funded. For each, briefly describe the coordinated /collaborative efforts. <br />UNC Chapel Hill — We accomplish programming, volunteer opportunities and hands - <br />on learning skills for UNC students and faculty members. <br />• Disabled Sports USA — As a member of DSUSA, we have low -cost insurance that is <br />required to safely execute program objectives for athletes, volunteers and supporters. <br />• Chapel HIII /Carrboro local businesses and organizations — Donate raffle and auction <br />items. <br />0 Chapel Hill Chamber of Commerce — Work together to network and promote BIIS <br />services for sponsorship engagement. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/22/2018 10:12:15 AM Page 20 of 30 <br />