Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E30588DE -A1 BC- 443D- A5C4- 3BE790331500 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />Individuals with cerebral palsy, or those whose limbs are severely affected can <br />engage in recreational and competitive adapted sport. Athletes with more severe <br />disability and secondary health issues compete where the playing field among <br />athletes is equal, safe and designed to meet their specific needs. Bridge II Sports <br />provides adapted equipment and memberships at low prices with scholarship <br />opportunities. Youth and adult teams give athletes a chance to be part of regional, <br />statewide and national competitions. Programming improves the physical, mental <br />and social health of the disabled population within Orange county, while also <br />providing community members with the opportunity to learn inclusion, compassion <br />and acceptance. <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council /Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill Human <br />Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br />Lack of programming for individuals with disabilities leads to a decrease in physical, <br />mental and social development. BIIS promotes the lives impacted by disability <br />through empowering athletes to embrace their ability. This creates positive <br />outcomes for the Board of Orange County Commissioner's #1 Goal to promote the <br />well -being of all residents. Championing those living with disability allows us to help <br />them to reach health goals and ultimately creates a higher quality of life for this <br />vulnerable population. Our programming instills value to county residents, fostering <br />a community that accepts diversity and innovates with inclusion in mind. <br />f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will they be <br />identified and connected with the program? <br />Individuals living in NC who have Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, a traumatic <br />brain injury, a visual impairment or low- vision, stroke, and wheelchair users can <br />participate in adapted sport. Youth and adult potential athletes are connected to BIIS <br />through the #EverybodyPlaysNC school initiative, rehabilitation and physical therapy <br />departments, hospital clinicslprograms, 4 adapted sports, BIIS Paralympic <br />experience programming through businesslorganization collaboration, university <br />collaboration projects, and social media and marketing platforms. <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify Program <br />Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br />BIIS Program Staff and Tier 1 Volunteers go through many trainings and are Certified <br />in Darkness to Light, CPR/First Aid, AED, Concussion Training by the CDC, <br />Agency Information 1/22/2018 10:12:15 AM P a g e 13 o f 3 0 <br />