Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F05AA6E -4F62- 4678- 8F07- 34D6E1679E9A <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />k) What percentage of your target population is low- moderate income? <br />Farmer Foodshare works collaboratively in all our efforts to end hunger and food <br />insecurity. By working with agencies within the community to distribute fresh <br />produce to their networks of individual in need, we are able to support and enhance <br />existing efforts, while keeping overhead costs low. Additionally, we have regular <br />dialogue with our partners to provide support like recipes and fresh food safety <br />information and help in sourcing the right kinds of produce in the right amounts. <br />When requested, we connect with our partner agencies to provide cooking <br />demonstrations and provide volunteers to help with food prep and packing. It is <br />incredibly important that we are meeting the stated needs of the community and <br />respond based on the feedback that we receive. <br />1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br />(e.g. survey, evaluations, etc. ?) <br />For our Donation Stations, we conduct an annual survey with our partner <br />organizations to collect feedback specific to the fresh food donations and how they <br />were used, and also to gather demographic information. We also have annual <br />meetings with farmers market managers, recipient organizations and attend annual <br />farmers market meetings. We report back the results from the Donation Station <br />program to all of these partners and discuss our plans for the following year. <br />m) Include any other pertinent information. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/16/2018 1:09:05 PM Page 16. of 20 <br />