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DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F05AA6E -4F62- 4678- 8F07- 34D6E1679E9A <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />The Donation Station program provides an additional revenue stream to maintain <br />ethnic and economic diversity as outlined in the Town of Carrboro's Board Priority <br />A. Our Donation Station partner at the Carrboro Farmers Market, Refugee <br />Community Partnership, is a place that emphasizes how culinary traditions are a <br />powerful way to celebrate and preserve cultural heritage and identity. The Donation <br />Station program also enhances and sustains quality of life /place issues for <br />everyone as outlined in the Town of Carrboro's Board Priority E. Farmer Foodshare <br />has spent time cultivating relationships with partner agencies through shared <br />meals, cooking demonstrations, and gatherings. Through our years of partnership, <br />we have learned that participants want a more sustainable way to contribute to and <br />make decisions about their own health. They have specifically requested access to <br />more fresh produce on a regular basis, along with any printed fresh food <br />educational materials created by Farmer Foodshare: <br />f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from t is program and how will they <br />be identified and connected with the program? <br />Farmer Foodshare partners with agencies that serve populations in need: children, <br />the elderly, refugees, individuals with disabilities and mental illness, most of whom <br />are food insecure. Agencies are selected in conjunction with the farmers markets in <br />Orange County with a focus on urgent hunger and persistent need. Diverse groups <br />are intentionally chosen. We work with a range of agencies across the county, which <br />distribute the fresh food we connect them with to a diverse demographic. We <br />intentionally partner with agencies that support the most urgent hunger and lowest <br />income populations and make sure that these agencies have an ongoing <br />relationship with our farmers market partners. We annually verify the demographics <br />our partner agencies serve and work to ensure that the voices of our clients are <br />heard and represented in our program planning. We are a community owned and <br />operated group — and we believe that is the key to our continued presence in the <br />Orange County, Chapel Hill and Carrboro community. <br />When sourcing food from local farmers, we are also intentionally diverse. We work <br />with farmers who have been left out of "the system ", specifically with USDA defined <br />"Limited Resource, Socially Disadvantaged and Beginning" farmers. These are <br />farmers that are not eligible for traditional farm support and subsidies, yet who <br />produce an enormous amount of healthy food in our communities. We believe that it <br />is important to help both local farmers, as well as individuals and agencies that do <br />not have access to resources. We believe that if we can introduce these groups to <br />one another — the farmers, the agencies, and the individual recipients, that the <br />Orange County network of community services and relationships will be <br />strengthened. So far, we have seen this to be the case — where farmers who <br />formerly knew nothing about hunger in our county, suddenly began growing food to <br />donate. <br />Our farmers at market are often generous to provide special items at a deep <br />discount, because they know it will go to help feed the children at TABLE, or the <br />mentally ill adults at Club Nova. And most partner agencies that want to buy <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/16/2018 1 :09:05 PM Page 14 of 20 <br />