Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 17COF518- 9238 - 480E- 96E6- 77F FCC C2626B <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />2, AGENCY INFORMATION (Be Very Brief and Concise) <br />Please provide the following information about your agency (2 pages OR LESS): <br />a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (Month/Year): Senior Care of Orange County <br />incorporated March of 2004 with 14 years of operation. <br />b) Agency's Purpose /Mission (no more than a few sentences): Florence Gray Soltys Adult <br />Day Health Program mission is to provide health and social model to frail, disabled and <br />isolated adults 18 years and older with special needs who will benefit from Adult Day Health <br />programs. Program provides a friendly safe environment, daily stimulating activities, <br />enriching programs, nutritious meals, and snacks as well as rehabilitative services. In <br />addition, the program provides respite and education for family members and caregivers. <br />The primary goal is to prevent or delay the onset of institutionalization of participants living in <br />the community. <br />The vision of Senior Care of Orange County, Inc. is to advocate, establish and operate <br />programs that provide services for frail or disabled older adults to remain in the comfort of <br />their homes with family as long as possible. The 65 and older adults are the fastest growing <br />population segment. <br />c) Types of Services the Agency Provides (bullet format): <br />• Caregiver respite <br />• Engaging and stimulating environment <br />• Qualified nurses and therapist for health monitoring <br />• Quality of life and meaningful /purposeful programs <br />• Safe and friendly environment <br />• Socialization to prevent isolation <br />• Therapeutic programming <br />d) Agency's History with Providing These Services: Over the past 14 years the need for <br />Adult Day Health services continues to increase for participants living in Orange County <br />communities and other surrounding areas. The continued growth of the area and cost of <br />healthcare for seniors to attend our program remains a challenge to provide services to <br />participants in need. Through the years, we've made great efforts in our recruitment process <br />with the Department of Social Services (Medicaid CAPIDA), and Veterans Administration <br />who financially support participants with low incomes and/ or medical needs to utilize the <br />Adult Day Health program as an option to in- homecare services. This option will aid with <br />social interaction of each participant enrolled in the program. In addition to the recruitment <br />process, we applied to Triangle J. Council of Governments and are receiving funding to help <br />support days of coverage for Adult Day Care and Health funding options. <br />e) Other Pertinent Agency Information (Ex. Has the agency experienced any major changes <br />in the past year? is there a new Executive Director? Are there new initiatives ?) Within the <br />past year there continues to be an increase in the health component of the program due to <br />the acuity levels of the participants requires more staffing to ensure participants need are <br />safely being met. This increase has impacted the need for more 1:1 assistance which <br />Agency Information 1/23/2018 4:21:18 PM Page 11 of 25 <br />