Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: A0992361- 7662- 4FD7- 9DB3- 9D760E06A5D2 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />financial independence, and recognize important social roles like community involvement <br />and volunteerism. Working plays a vital role in mental and physical health by improving <br />overall wellness, resulting in decreased reliance on medical professionals. Once a person <br />is employed they become a taxpayer! Taxpayers experience reductions in the costs of <br />governmental programs. One study examining the timeframe from 2002 -2007 quoted that <br />for every $1 used to fund employment services, taxpayers received $1.46 back in the form <br />of taxes paid, savings from alternative programs, and a reduction in governmental <br />subsidies. Employers see a positive economic return when hiring individuals with <br />disabilities. There is a decreased turnover rate among this cohort, reducing the costs <br />associated with recruiting and training. Employers also receive monetary incentives for <br />hiring under - employed populations. Hiring individuals with disabilities improves employer <br />image, increasing sales. Society enjoys the benefit of an integrated workforce, increased <br />tolerance, and acceptance of differences. Increasing and diversifying the workforce <br />advances our nation's productivity and economy. <br />j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a reduced <br />allocation is recommended. <br />OE has worked hard in Orange County for over 40 years to assist individuals with <br />disabilities in being a respected and integral part of their community. We continually look <br />for efficiencies and ways to maximize all of our funding. We are so grateful and <br />appreciative to the funds provided by Orange County, Town of Chapel Hill and the Town of <br />Carrboro. Over the years we have seen both local and state dollars decrease due to the <br />recession, lack of investment in social services and mental health needs and constant <br />change to systems of managing Medicaid dollars and cuts in rates to federal and state <br />dollars while experiencing increases in operating expenses. Without the Orange County <br />funds work with students in the middle /high schools, adult program participants, and <br />seniors would be in jeopardy. It is challenging for individuals with disabilities to find, obtain, <br />and keep jobs. Our staff engages in difficult work and we are always maximizing <br />efficiencies to ensure efficient and effective use of public dollars. Should OE see funding <br />reductions, we would be forced to reduce service provision. <br />k) What percentage of your target population is low- moderate income? <br />100% <br />1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br />(e.g. survey, evaluations, etc. ?) <br />OE seeks feedback from program participants through annual satisfaction surveys. We <br />track individual employment outcomes, engage program participants in various stakeholder <br />committees within OE, and conduct annual program evaluations. <br />m) Include any other pertinent information. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/22/2018 1:53:42 PMT a <br />